Compendium Thread: Halo 4 issues

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SilentJacket, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So, instead of hundreds upon hundreds of individual complaint threads, we might as well organize them into a single, reference thread.

    This section will be updated periodically to add new issues and concerns

    see something you don't like? please post in the following format:

    reasons do not include "because it sucks, is game breaking, because 343i is stupid, etc.


    Multiplayer mechanics

    -spartan ops "tiny covenant"
    -covenant in certain levels of spartan ops are reduced to approx 15% their original size, while maintaining all other characteristics, this makes it very hard to kill them, due to smaller hit boxes, while maintaining original damage resilience.
    -thruster pack, one way shield break
    activating the thruster pack in front of a one-way shield allows players to go through it, rendering the shield useless in terms of blocking passages

    -coordinate/magnet dealignment
    -upon loading a map, forge objects can de-align, causing uneven surfaces and possibly z-fighting
    Do not allow coforge, or if you must, make sure that it is the host that saves the map
    credits to FlyingshoeIRL for the fix

    -Coordinate-Magnet missmatch
    -not to be confused with the above issue, this is not so much a glitch as poor programming, lining up certain parts with the coordinate system will cause disagreements with the magnet system, in other words, certain parts do not line up on the coordinate plane when they should

    -dynamic lighting issues
    after reaching a certain amount of objects in forge, dynamic lighting is no longer generated
    it is speculated that this happens when you use around 40-50% of the available forge budget.

    I am also linking WARHOLIC's Guide to Dynamic Lighting

    -Forge Item rendering overload
    returning back from the days of H3 with a vengeance, is the rendering overload glitch, which occurs when a large number of items are set to spawn after the initial setup. Spawned items are missing textures. This also causes the removal of spartan and ordinance drop textures as well. Note that this glitch causes ordinance drops to be unusable.

    Glitches (general)

    -fusion coil glitch
    -when a fusion coil is dropped, there is no damage registered
    -adjacent fusion coils do not cause each other to detonate when one goes off
    -collision map glitch
    -both complex and ragnarok have collision holes, allowing users to hide within the geometry and camp, causing game stagnation, and an unfair advantage amended
    -teleporter lighting disappearing
    two-way teleporters do not always display the active signal (the hour-glass shaped light) even though they are in fact, working
    it may be speculated that this may be tied with the dynamic lighting issue
    -Server Lag
    causes inconsistant gameplay


    -remove rounded edges from forge blocks-
    the rounded edges causes holes in the geometry which may seem sloppy
    remedied by removing rounded edges in forge blocks

    -increase weapon despawn time-
    weapons dropped by killed players despawn far to fast, making it so that their weapons cannot be scavenged by the killer
    remedied by increasing despawn time to 15-30 seconds
    -increase maneuverability of the banshee-
    cornering speed of banshees is inconsistent, discrepancy is 4 seconds or more
    remedied by consistent cornering speed (approx 1 second to turn 180 degrees)
    -modifying conditions in which "join in progress" is acceptable and the removal of starting games with unbalanced teams
    no one should start a game with an instant disadvantage, and join in progress means that teams will be more unbalanced than not
    remedy: only allow join in progress when concerned teams are unbalanced
    -allow spartan ops to be downloaded to an Xbox's HDD
    limiting it to gold members only is an obvious grab for more money, justified by making it "network-only", which has caused some problems. there are no foreseeable advantages to a network only game type, other than the justification for a gold membership. This may also be the cause of the "micro covenant" glitch
    remedy: allow Spartan Ops to be downloaded to an xbox
    #1 SilentJacket, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've done a similar thread on Waypoint where it's more likely to be seen by 343...

    Bugs list

    Just add any varying bugs into that thread.
  3. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lists on waypoint disappear way to fast

    what I plan to do is build it here, then once it is filtered, send it to certain affinity
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    tbh, putting "theres a very specific bug on an entire level" is an absolute waste of time. You need to be far more specific.

    Also, harsh as it sounds, there is a 0.000% chance (and i'm being generous there) that certain affinity/343 will fix bugs purely because you sent them in. They're either cut out DELIBERATELY, or already fixed. To me, it all sounds like constant whinging and nagging.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't be so sure.
    Why do you think 343i have an exp cap at the moment?
    - They've already stated the exp is a test for the general public to try and manipulate the exp ranking procedures so they can catch all the ways possible to boost exp gaining. Once all the ways have been added to the account banning program, they'll lift the exp cap.

    Same goes for Custom Gaming and Forge Glitches more than likely. They're probably wrote the code up for Forge, and had very little activity on it / interaction with it.
    So, when they say "The dynamic lighting is flawless" and we say "No it isn't... it breaks when you do X" they say "Oh, thanks, we'll have a look at it."
  6. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thread has been updated
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    pretty sure those map collision issues on ragnarok and complex have already been patched. read that somewhere the other day and tried to jump into the complex hole yesterday and failed. note: only fixed in MM, apparently they cant so easily patch the on-disc maps
  8. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    343i needs to work on the lag issues. I've had four matches end abruptly, and one match was over before it began. The lag also affects combat. Just a few moments ago, I was in a slayer match on Ragnarok. A guy from the opposing team was standing in our base with an Incineration Cannon. He wasn't moving, so I walked up to him, and hit him about four times and he didn't die. Then I suddenly got teleported outside the base, so I ran back inside to kill him, but he killed me instead.
  9. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    To be blunt:
    1. Improve forge
    2. Get rid of lag
    3. Fix the damn sniper rifles in Team Snipers!
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm gunna leave this here

  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Much as I love Overdoziz... well, "love" is a strong word, let's go with "enjoy"... 95% of that list is just opinion about things that are design decisions and not bugs. It doesn't belong here, unless the goal is to derail a legitimate thread with general complaining.
  12. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    343i needs to get thier dang **** together. There's more bugs than Minecraft before the any of the 1.4.x updates. And that says a lot. I noticed the miniature jackals myself, and I think it's a shame such a thing is in a finished game.
  13. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    there is room for complaints/suggestions, I just want to keep them separated.
  14. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    This. It's the same thing as TimeGlitch's thread on the Waypoint, it just wreaks of entitlement. You aren't going to get anything by acting like a spoiled child. (Not that Overdoziz is, just the entire sentiment overall in the community).

    I strongly considered emailing them a list of requests I keep seeing popping up, and most importantly phrasing it as requests and explaining why each one was asked for. A simple list of fixes is not always helpful, and certainly not to a business that runs on prioritization (read: milestone development). But I saw Time Glitch's (if ill-advised) thread and couldn't find an email so I didn't bother.

    Might still make a video, showing options from H3 and Reach too. Dunno thought.
  15. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    What? Getting EXP to fast gets you banned after the cap is removed? If so that's even worse then Reach's Ban system.

    Also they have a exp cap as easy way of limiting peoples exp to add longevity to the game because a lot of people play just for exp, Once you hit the cap you might play couple more games because you want to play the game (but feels like doing nothing constructive so leave and play again tomorrow) so +2games +time takes for exp cap again +2 games. But hey if they catch a few boosters along the way that's nice and a noble excuse to use as to why exp cap exists.

    Do it!

    They get billions of emails/threads all time, A popular youtube video stands out because it's a video and takes effort to make and it is easily shareable amongst the community and if 75% of community knows about this video and flaws its presenting 343i can't ignore it and if they can't ignore it and the community knows that it's bad PR if they don't do anything about it.
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Alright you've convinced me. I'll put something out this week.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Don't know if it's been addressed yet, but Adrift has a handful of bugs. I've seen a few games in flood where there's an invisible platform outside the map that humans camped on. Also, I've found myself facing an unusual amount of lag, sometimes leading to my death whenever I step on a man cannon. But I'll forgive it, because besides the Boltshot camping, Adrift is a decent map. Also, speaking of Flood, I'm sick of the Flood spawning looking like humans with Assault Rifles, or Survivors doing the same.
  18. nitemare400

    nitemare400 Promethean

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    I think they failed when they tried to copy everything they could from COD

    care packages
    grenade warning that only makes you run closer to the grenade rather than away from it
    ugly pregame lobby
    over complicated maps
    unregistered shots in swat
    lack of gametypes
    bugs out the ass

    could go on and on
    #18 nitemare400, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
  19. wade

    wade Promethean
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    So many glitches...

    I have been spending an ungodly amount of time working on my new map "Liquid Space", and the extreme attention to detail has really made it apparent how many glaring issues there are in Halo 4's forge.

    I used the magnet system to link up most of my bridges and impact pieces. I figured that since it was the big new feature it would be a very precise and reliable way to align them.

    It turns out that the game will completely lose track of the magnetized pieces alignment. All of my bridges now load up extremely jagged and wonky. And that is the least of my problems.

    The hearts of my two bases were both stuck together using magnets. Now I go in and realize that an entire base, one which I have spent weeks constructing, has been built on a completely uneven foundation. I even made sure to lock all of the large elements in place as soon as they were lined up.

    The most frightening thing is that I know I have checked these alignments many, many times since I first laid them out. I know that they used to be OK.

    It is as if the map is atrophying over time. As if I will come back in a month and the pieces will have all wandered off into their own separate corners of the forge space...

    I have another major issue as well. My map has 4 sets of two-way teleporters. However, the game seems to hate any amount of nodes over 7. One of the 8 nodes will always end up invisible.
    I have tried setting them to every possible combination of channels. I have tried deleting all of them and replacing them all over and over again... One of them always end up invisible. It is infuriating!

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