Okay so we know that 1 flag is now possible (albeit in a frustrating manner to set up/create) but what else can we make? Is it possible to create an Assault-like gametype utilizing Extraction? I'm not familiar with the way it plays but I've seen clips of the guy holding a mechanical arm with an orb but I don't understand what it's of. The best I can think of is simply doing the 1-flag set-up but have the attacking team start with the enemy's flag and force them to carry it to the enemy's base where the flag plant zone is.... I was trying to think of a way to make a Territories gametype using Dominion and having no base turrets or shields and just having the player activate them and move on. I set it up in the places where the Territories on Valhalla went (I'm remaking the classic Valhalla) when you had one team defending but is it possible to make a one-sided Dominion? Where one team already has the bases and the other team has to get them...? Similar to Territories? Right now, Dominion plays more like Land Grab from Halo 3...well actually more like Flag Rally (the Territories variant where the territories don't lock) but anyway...yeah. I tried making a Classic Slayer variant as well as a classic CTF. For the CTF I made it so the damage modifier when holding the flag is 0% which hopefully means the pistol doesn't do any damage, while retaining the Melee modifier of 300% so fingers crossed...haven't been able to test it yet. I also made the player run at a speed of 90% as well. Question: the default Halo 4 speed is faster than the one in Halo 3 right? Not counting Sprint of course. Anyone know what the closest Default Halo 3 speed would be and what the closest Default Halo 3 Flag Carrier speed would be within Halo 4...? Also can someone link me to 1-Flag gametypes? I know the maps need to Forged so as to hide the Attacker's flag but I'd like the 1-Flag link... Like a gamertag of someone who has the "Official Unofficial Halo 4 1-Flag Gametype" (doesn't have to be made like Halo 3, I want a form that plays just like Halo 4 CTF albeit...with one haha) Idek if there is an official unofficial one haha Also...what do you guys think? What classic gametypes do you think are possible to make using what we have in Halo 4?
As far as the one-sided Dominion goes, look around here for a thread about remaking Invasion. Somebody had tested it pretty thoroughly. Anybody know what restrictions grifball has to prevent it from being used for Assault?
As far as I can tell, Grifball can make an assault game just fine. I just find it stupid they removed assault to put in grifball, and its not even in matchmaking...
Did the patch fix that issue where the bomb arm timer setting didn't work, meaning you could have Assault but it had to be insta-arm?
Ah I see...oh my god Grifball! I totally forgot it was in there 'cause I've gotten to play exactly ZERO custom games yet haha Anyway, that sucks about the arming time being unadjustable :/
Grifball is now a modified Oddball gametype. Although you could definately use it to replicate Assault. The main differences are; - When you score there is just a flash of light rather than an explosion. - Since its a modified oddball variant you can pass the ball. - Haven't tinkered with the settings yet, but it may not be possible to make it so there is arming time / score delay. Its definately possible to make an Assault like variant of Grifball. I don't know how much you can customize it but its possible.
Does the light kill the "Grif"? If not that's super lame...it defeats the purpose of why the game was made.... If it does kill the planter then that's okay since it'll act like a bomb somewhat... the timer is the biggest issue. What was the normal time in Halo 3's Assault?
The flash of light does do damage, but it's not enough to kill the carrier. You might be able to tinker with that though...
Aw man....Poor form 343 (x I guess if you lowered damage resistance...but then you'd have to also lower damage done by the player to offset the difference hopefully...and even then.... Halo 5 better let us make it so that we can set it so that the flag carrier can't use the pistol (I like it and think they should keep it but a classic CTF would be appreciated), can't pass the Oddball, can make 1-Flag and Assault (easily), etc. I'm disappointed with the lack of classic gametypes and options this time around. I don't despise Forge like some do because I'm a noob and have finally made maps because of the magnet feature but precision editing would be great and the ability to zoome in while in Oracle... But the gametypes and options need to be stepped up. A lot. Flood mode is like a way cooler Infection (because now the players look different) but humans are all stuck the same color (which is fine, I wish we could change it though), and you can't really customize loadouts and stuff. Sigh.... oh well. 1 Flag was my favorite so hopefully the 1-Flag in this game is as fun.