Medium: Eleven and Thirteen Spoiler PA1NTS: Fifteen and Fifteen Spoiler Suffocation: Seventeen and Eleven Spoiler SpartanPeter: Thirteen and and Seventeen Spoiler ThrowinDemBows: Fourteen and Twenty Spoiler [br][/br]Edited by merge: Duck and Arion, we haven't left you guys out. Should be early tomorrow
I was waiting for this, and recieving this felt like an christmas gift Im that excited too begin.. But, i don't really understand what an Dual-Atrium styled map is, excuse me for that, so if anyone could explain, I would appreciate it. I already have some ideas for the element though. This contest is truly going to be awesome, especially if everyone is also going to make their own map.
Oh my... That sounds like a difficult task. Combining Ivory Tower and Hang Em High, is there any two maps more different! Should be fun.
I got this description from Joel McDonald's Competitive Design Guide. Link: Example: I hope this clears things up. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Layouts left are: 16, 19 Elements left are: 14, 16
I'm actually finding it quite difficult to come up with a nice layout while combining Ivory Tower and Hang Em High resemblences.
Sorry for the confusion Equinox, but that quote wasn't quite right. Here are the final two to choose from: Layouts: 16, 19 Elements: 14, 16 Yessir. I'll get yours up as soon as Equinox chooses his [br][/br]Edited by merge: PsychoDuck: Eighteen and Nineteen Spoiler Pyro: Twenty and Twelve Spoiler Arion: Twelve and Eighteen Spoiler
Yes, thanks. Pretty much the best explenation i can get. Ill be working on it today, for a long time. I really want to come up with something good, and my cards are quite good for it.
Are there any numbers left? EDIT: I realise there are none left now, will more be added, because I really want to give this a go?
Lol, we are pretty burnt out on coming up with constraints, and are not sure how we even managed to reach twenty. However, if more people show interest, and if we manage to come up with more, we will create new slots. We are certainly accepting ideas, so I you can think of some, PM us and we will consider it.
Damn. During my brief inactivity I miss out on this spectacular competition! If you do come up with some more parameters, I'd love to give this a go. If I'm able to, I'd like to reserve 22 & 23, please.