Okay, so 2 things. First, I wanted to get yall's opinion on the creation of a "clan guild". What I mean by this is a forum just for clans. And I'm talking of Halo clans of course. It would be a place where clans could contact each other, show off stuff, etc.. What do you guys think? and name ideas are welcome too! The second thing is a question. (If we are allowed), where can I post a thread about my Halo clan?? Thanks in advance
I don't think clans are allowed to advertise on Forgehub, so the second option may not be possible. Personally, I don't think clans are prominent enough to even warrant a whole forum. Even beyond that, you could simply utilize groups to produce the same result you're hoping for. I don't have anything against clans, but I don't imagine something like this would get very good reception from members for various reasons including the general disdain people seem to have for them. Nonetheless, goodluck.
inb4lolclans. This is a community, not a clan recruitment site, so you're extremely unlikely to get a forum section specifically for clans. Also, most people on here simply don't care for clans and most clan recruitment threads get locked due to the rules about advertising. This should have also been posted in the customer service forums but whatever.
No not a section. I'm talking about a forum I'm possibly creating. Like, a site for Halo 4 clans. And thanks, that answers my question!
clans have been kinda dead since clanmatches have been gone. to me it is an unnecessary thing. we are all friends anyway, just party up and play! no need for formalities! =)
If you want to start your own forum for clans go ahead and give it a try. I don't know many people that like or support clans but I know there are quite a few out there that might love to have a tool like your proposed forum to organize events and things of the sort. Whatever you do, keep it organized. Lack of organization and planning can ruin these type of things. I speak from experience. Nonetheless good luck.
I just like the idea of a clan, it's more... unified, if that makes sense. And Waterfall, thanks for the encouragement!
No. There are teams... Then there are clans. Clans tend to be bigger then a team. Some have up to thousands of members. Clans have organized battles with other clans,so do teams but a clan might consist of multiple teams.
I would use such a website, if you get it up and running. I'm not actually the leader of the clan I'm in but I'm pretty sure we would use it
I believe I read that 343 are attempting to bring back Halo 2 clan support so you may not even have to go to all the effort. I mean that is if they go through it.