Got an idea for a gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ManlyStudson, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    Simply put, it's utilizing the Sword, Hardlight Sheild, and Railgun as a sword, sheild, and bow & arrow, in some kind of medieval gametype, preferably Dominion with castles. Maybe using the Base Sheilds as gates. Dominion is such a complex gametype.
    But help me lord, I have no experience in making legit maps for playing serious games, so I have no map idea ready. A castle doesn't sound hard but...
    Does it seem easy to pull off? You tell me.
    #1 ManlyStudson, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
  2. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Is one way Dominion possible?
  3. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I wasn't thinking that. Though I do like that idea. kinda.
  4. TheJudge

    TheJudge Promethean
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    If anything it may be a good idea to have two teams laying siege to a single unoccupied castle.
  5. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    I'd like to have Last Stand in the game, but how well does that mechanic work? I haven't played much Dominion. But I assume Last Stand can shorten the game. I once saw a video of some 20 second Dominion game.

    Edited by merge:

    I'm online at this moment, if you want to try something send me an Xbox message.
    #5 ManlyStudson, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
  6. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    If all the terminals are captured by one team, the opposite team goes into Last Stand. While in Last Stand, the losing team receives Overshields and have a waypoint over their head that is visible to enemies. They also only have one life, so if everyone on the team dies, the game ends. The team in Last Stand can get out of it by capturing any one of the terminals, and the game will resume as normal.
  7. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    No no, I already get all that. I mean how WELL does it work? Because I once saw a really really short game of Dominion because of it.
  8. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I think it works great in Default Dominion maps, as it help prevent stale, long games where one team dominates for a full on ten minutes. It could be iffy in more mini-game style games. For example, one map of mine is a more mini-game style dominion map and Last Stand would probably hurt it.

    Try it both ways.
  9. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    Want to help make the map...?:embarassed:
  10. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    It'd be delighted to help you out.
  11. Jack Attaak

    Jack Attaak Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    After seeing some gameplay of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, I also wanted to try using the hardlight shield and sword to simulate medieval gameplay. After screwing around with some gametypes, though, my friends and I found the shield to be almost useless: if you use the shield to block a lunge, the time it takes to deactivate the shield and switch to the sword is enough of a window for your enemy to lunge again. The sword blocks much better than the shield does.

    With the introduction of railguns, though, I could see the shield having more of an effect on gameplay. You'd probably have to limit ammo or nerf damage and boost melees to encourage sword use, though.

    I'm looking forward to how this turns out, especially with the whole fortifying castles idea.
  12. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    I made a gametype like this in halo reach, many different maps with different castles, one with a megga castle with multiple levels and one with 2 castles, mainly used for bomb and ctf, but i see where you are going with this
  13. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've never really been big on gametypes besides, well, Team Slayer, but I think I would find this extremely fun for some reason, if you can get it working properly. I joined Goat's game after you left and I saw the castle structure that was built, I have to say it looked pretty cool. I'm sure that was an early build, but one thing I did notice though - there was only one hard route up to the top from inside the castle. I would suggest adding a ramp up on the back side next to the lift. Just a thought though!

    Definitely keep me updated, you've intrigued me :)
  14. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    Thanks for your input. I definitely don't plan on using that crap I made on Ravine. Truly, it was just a test of how well I knew the objects in Forge. From what I have there, I know it would not play well for what I have in mind. I will say it does look really awesome if you sort of stand in front of it at a distance.

    OH right, thanks for reminding me of that game. I must have just heard of it. I'll look into it.

    Edited by merge:

    Im thinking of incorperating the speed boost power up to decrease the time it takes to pull out your sword after you put away your shield. Giving everybody a speed boost in personal ordinance would work. But, since it has a limited time, you would always have to replenish it. Hmm
    #14 ManlyStudson, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2012
  15. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Why not just change the ordnance options so that it is the absolute minimum amount of points to get it, and has no percentage increase? That way they would almost always have the option to replenish.
  16. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I like it. Im going to experiment today with the shield and the sword, in regular matchmaking too.

    Halo 4 Map - Medieval Wars - YouTube

    EDIT : I want to make an Castle Wars map, so ill try to test some things today.
    Not the two castles with an line that connects them, i really mean to remake Castle Wars, the minigame of Runescape.
    Because i am automatically assuming that the Castle Wars makers got the idea of that.
    #16 SpartanPeter, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013
  17. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    I just tried it out, and I think it would be impossible to have work without your speed going up to like 150% or something around that. I had spartans set at 25% speed and I pick up the speed boost and started zooming around way too fast.
    It doesn't increase your speed based on your original speed, it goes to about 150% every time.

    I think a castle wars gametype would be neat. Worth a try to see how it works. But my ideas are kind of differing.

    Edited by merge:

    Here's my thoughts at this moment:

    The game would be Dominion. The map would be two giant castles opposite from each other, with an open plain in the middle (preferably this would be on Ravine). There will be a main gate (base shield) in the front of each base.
    There will be two classes: Knight (preferred to be called "Assault" in game) with unlimited ammo Sword, unlimited Hardlight Shield, and Mobility, and Archer (preferred to be called "Guard" in game) with unlimited ammo Railgun Sword, and Dexterity).
    The main focus of a Knight is to be your team's offense, to charge towards the enemy base and destroy the main gate (base shield) to get in and take the castle (I'd turn down the damage for Spartans so that it would take a lot of hits to break the shield door).
    The main focus of an Archer is to be your team's defense. Stay on top of the castle and hit guys from a distance. They have swords so that if the doors are breached, they can hop off their perch and go down and help defend.

    With all that being said, this may work better as a one-sided game... I don't know.
    #17 ManlyStudson, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013

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