Whilst in the making of my map Forgery, I came across a phenomenon where half of the map was 'missing' their piece texture. The object behaved normally (Can't walk through it/shoot through it) but you could see through it and it had no texture. What I believe happened was that since I set every piece to not spawn in at the beginning to remove shadows, I think the textures did not load. A way to control this I found was to set a lot of pieces back to spawn on start. I have not tested much with this glitch, but I imagine with it you can create come incredible stuff. Whether it is invisible barriers, or light-bridge things like the one on narrows. Put a piece somewhere where you want to have a barrier, and make sure the barrier pieces are the only ones that don't spawn at start. Then, Far away from your map spawn a bunch of flag stands or something that don't spawn at start. That may possibly overload it and cause the barrier's texture not to spawn. This glitch also removes all spartan textures as well as ordinance drop textures (You can not pick up ordinance drops). I have also found out that this glitch may have to do something with connection. Some people in the game may still be able to see the object's texture. Just thought I'd throw this out there in case anyone stumbled across it in their map and needed help.
Sounds interesting but perhaps too finicky to be actually useful. If it really is connection-dependent then it would be tough to rely on it in a map for anything.
As far as I can tell Stevo, I think that is a completely separate glitch, which is a lot more useful .