Here's my Narrows remake for H4. My intention from the start was to make it as accurate in terms of detail and as aesthetically pleasing as possible. I knew with almost absolute certainty going in that I would run into some frame rate issues due to the fact that at almost any given time there is roughly 80% of the map being rendered on the screen. I was right. So far the feedback on any lag issues has varied. Some (like me) find it intolerable while others seem to have very little or no issues. You will likely notice it between the mancannons and snipe spawns to the ramps leading up top. Everywhere else seems to be fine. Keep in mind this was made as more of a personal challenge as opposed to placing game play as the priority. I'll more than likely go back and reduce the detail significantly to fix the problem but I figured I'd throw this out there. There are both standard and MLG variants that play TS and CTF. The standard variant also plays KOTH. I had to skimp on some of the weapons in the standard version due to budget issues and my hatred of having 20 ordinance indicators on the screen but the essentials are there. The natural red and blue backgrounds of Impact really added to this map in my opinion. Anyway, enjoy! Made by: GoD 0f FoRgE Players: 2-8 (MLG) 2-10 (standard version) Base map: Impact
Amazing. Your Integration of every halo 3 jump and the modifications to fit halo 4's play style are flawless. Your aesthetics are beautiful and although they aren't the same as the original narrows, they do not take away from this remake. You spoke of budget hindering weapon placement and the ugliness of multiple ordinance, Is it not possible to place weapons on the map without ordinance? That being said, beautiful and thoughtful remake. Great job.
You amazed me with guardian, now this. You really focus on every detail, all the trick jumps, the feel of the map, the distances, i really like this. Do you have any plans to remake some more maps? Now you have made the Pit, Guardian and Narrows right? Man, there are not many people who have made such good remakes yet. Awesome job man.
looks really good but from the video it kinda looks like the dynamic lighting broke...but there is shadow on one section. is that just the way the map is facing or did it break?
Thanks for the comments, guys. @TheJudge, unfortunately no. Ordinance do not cost anything but placing weapons and grenades do. For example, frag and plasma grenades are $5 each and most weapons are $10 or $20 each. Doesn't sound like much but it adds up quick. You can get away with leaving rifles off the map due to all the loadout options if you're pushing the budget limit but I try to include all the weapons and abilities (or an equivalent) without putting everything on ordinance drops. @SpartanPeter, yeah, those are the 3 I've made so far. I'm pretty close to being done with Construct. Might try my hand at Midship/Heretic after that. Who knows? I'm glad you enjoy the maps. I'm always open to suggestions too! @Starship Ghost, The lighting isn't broken. I oriented the map to get the red/blue effect behind the bases, as a result, the light source (coming from the blue side on Impact) casts a shadow on a large portion of the blue side. I played with the elevation of the map to sort of give it a dark and light side feel. I personally like the effect but I know everyone has their own opinion on the dynamic lighting. Thanks again for taking the time to check it out!
You might consider throwing a death barrier down on the out of bounds electrical thingamajigg. People could hop down there, run across to the other side, and jet pack up for a stealth access to the other base. Or just put a trait barrier down there that removes armor ability use.
Excellent point. I tend to focus on making my remakes centered around the H3 MLG settings simply because that's what my friends and I preferred to play in customs. I like to keep those settings in H4 due to the fact that these maps were never designed with armor abilities taken into consideration and they tend to ruin the gameplay for me. I've added a trait zone below that doesn't allow use of armor abilities. I believe there are also sufficient kill zones up top but then again, if you're playing with people who try to find areas to exploit with jet packs outside the map, you need new friends.
I know, right? Seems like something I should have addressed in my original post instead of trying to snake it by everyone.
That is an amazingly beautiful remake. It has a very clean use of forge objects that makes it look like most of them were made for the way you used them. Too bad about the lag. I wish they had done more to ensure that forge could actually handle maps that use a significant amount of the full budget. Regardless, this is an inspirational piece of work.
Well you said it had tolerable frame rate, not horrible like TSB mentioned. Too bad there is so much lag, as this map truly is spot on.
Your excess framerate lag is caused by your over use of station pieces, in particular the corridors. This is also what killed your dynamic lighting. I had similar problems with my map when I used said pieces for a floor upside down. I removed as many of them as I could and now framerate lag is greatly minimised. Still present, but not enough to make the map unplayable. Take a look at this thread, A Guide to Dynamic Lighting. For the most part, heavy $100 pieces on the lighting budget are also the pieces that give framerate lag when used excessively. The reason for this is that the game has to render a lot more shades of light on a Station, Corridor; than it has to render on a Block, 4x4 Flat; for example.