Hello all Again! I have dropped by once more to show you a new map I have been working on, on the, you guessed it, Erosion pallette! This new map is called Industrial. Trying to use the rusted and old brown shades of the Erosion pallet, an old and run down type of pumping station seemed to be just the right thing! I have set up Industrial for CTF, Oddball, KotH, Infinity Slayer, SWAT and Regicide. It is saved to my fileshare, search for gamertag: Shadowcat AZ, Industrial will be on there. Searching for ideas, I discovered this map idea online from a picture on a totally separate game, and it just clicked. So without any further adue, here are some screenshots. Overview of center of the map. View of Blue base, map is symmetrical, so Red is the same. Inside of Blue base. Tunnel behind Blue base. View of Red base.
Bases look pretty decent but how many players you going for? The distance between bases is very close, so close that both bases could be placed together to make one base, lol. I see 1v1 or 2v2 only on this map and even 2v2 wouldn't play that well with such a small simple design. The map needs a lot more to work with rather just an open small area between the bases with a struture blocking some LoS. Edit: I also don't see anyone using that tunnel that goes around because the route is so short and direct if you just go straight on. Plus you would lose valuable time going around, leaving you base very vulnerable for CTF.
I can't quite tell for sure what the layout is from the pics, but I have a feeling there are are some pretty solid LoS on this map. Definitely gonna check it out soon. I will give feedback as soon as I do. Keep em coming, Shadow.
I knew I should have included an overhead view of this map, but with the two level rooms, i figured it might cause some confusion. I will endevor to get one posted ASAP!