What you want to see in forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by critter1227, Dec 28, 2012.


Are you happy with the new forge?

  1. I Love it

    2 vote(s)
  2. It's ok

    11 vote(s)
  3. I don't care

    0 vote(s)
  4. I am not happy

    8 vote(s)
  5. I hate it

    0 vote(s)
  1. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    Obviously many people are not completely happy with the new forge, but it does add many new promising features, like the magnet locking. Besides bug fixing, what do you want to see added.

    I, for one, would love different structure skins, so maybe have the round blood gulch bunker be made out of sandstone. Custom sky boxes would be cool as well, so have a halo ring as your sky, or the forerunner planet from the first few campaign missions. I would, as would many, want a true forge world map back. The idea of different environments to have variety and save load time was a good idea, but there is no good room, and many of the maps look similar. A sandbox like map would be great to have back, and something similar to forge world, since it can have more maps cycle in games without dlc, and many maps can be remade.

    How and what do you feel about the new forge system, and what do you think should return?
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forgeworld ha that would fix alot, new skins for objects would be cool but it won't happen, our best bet is a sandbox map or a forgeworld and if they don't I'll be thoroughly dissapppointed.

    Also there are some scale issues with a few pieces that could have been fixed
  3. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    A Sandbox-type map would be great. If different pieces had different individual skins the resulting map would look like ****. I do wish they went with a forerunner pallet on Ravine.
  4. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    It's okay. And I stress "okay". The dynamic lighting is neat, and the magnets do offer a quick way to help line objects up for floors and walls, which is always nice.

    That said, the absence (oversight or not) of precision movement for pieces and the lack of a Forge World-like map (not necessarily the same Forge World from Reach, of course, but a large blank map with multiple different environmental features) would help greatly with trying to make unique, natural-looking maps using the awesome environment's available.

    I also like the idea of having 2 or 3 different pallet options for the pieces on each map. Not necessarily the ability to choose a different pallet for each individual piece, but the ability to change the object pallet either map- or object-category-wide would be interesting, such as being able to use a full Forerunner-themed pallet on Ravine in stead of a Human pallet, for example.
  5. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    I kind of liked the gray of reach. It gave some very sleek designs if used properly. It made for some very good city maps, something that Halo 4 can't do. I'm not even sure what they are meant to be used for. In Reach they were meant to create forerrunner environments, but Humans don't make structures out of the palette they give us in Halo 4. If they were to go back to gray, I would want the pieces to be more uniform and look more like forerunner objects. You know, with all the crazy lights and stuff. Also, less angular. More pieces that have the complex architecture. The idea of three different forge canvases would have worked well if they actually had different palettes. If impact had covenant objects, erosion had human objects, and Ravine had forerunner objects, it would have worked much better. In future games, I hope they put in a few things; I hope they put in a "toys" physics option that is available for all objects. I should be able to fling rocks at the players if I want to. They should also have designated movement paths that you could set for objects. You could create moving platform games, hazards in your map, or aesthetic flying vehicles crashing into buildings. It would seriously be a big leap in terms of forge capabilities. The third big thing would be the ability to duplicate many objects at once. I could be making a symmetrical map, only make half of it, then duplicate your map. Certain Affinity's goal for halo 4's forge was to make forging a faster process. There you go.
    My complete eventual forge wishlist:
    -assignable movement paths for objects
    -"toys" physics
    -duplicating objects keeps the same coordinates as the previous object until you move it
    -inverting pieces (flipping them)
    -mass-duplication of objects
    -better meshing textures
    -20,000 budget
    -less prefab buildings, more we can actually use in a unique way
    -magnets should be placed in places that make more sense(why don't they stick banks to the sides of ramps?)
    -default magnet intensity is lower
    -edit coordinates should be able to place an object anywhere that precision editing can
    -mega wall coliseum
    -every weapon/vehicle that ever existed (it's the mapmaker's choice what goes on the map, not the developers)
    -gravity zones should change gravity, not add gravity
    -gravity zones should rotate the player (I wanna walk on the ceiling)
    -sideways gravity zone should allow me to drive sideways normally
    -whatever else they can come up with, it is the developer's job to fix the game after all, not mine.
  6. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Symmetrical objects. Like hoe the 2x4 was the same on both sides. A LOT of pieces in 4 are stupidly asymmetrical and it makes it hard to have a nice looking map sometimes. That and I'm OCD as **** about forge and it drives me insane. But one has to admit, symmetrical pieces look a lot better.
  7. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    what hasn't been said yet...

    -MOAR LIGHTZ. like in Timesplitters future perfect (that is to say about a billion different colors)
    -7th floor glitch :p (that's like mapmaking god mode. it's like phasing items but having them in separate dimensions at the same time. well, I don't know how that can work in forge)
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What about...the far cry 3 map editor but with full rotatable objects?!?! That's like...better then sex...maybe not.
  9. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    This. 1000x this. Even something like making the 'team color' apply to more than just a tiny sliver of the object would make all the difference. Imagine the Foundry-style containers in any color, or the yellow steel walls of The Pit available in any color. Even if they'd just make better use of the shaders to make more of an object colored I'd be happy.

    And for goodness sake, if they're going to do UNSC, don't make it ambiguous. The palette works on Impact, but doesn't fit Ravine at all, where it looks almost forerunner. I expect in-atmosphere UNSC stuff to look like a mix of Foundry, Standoff and Longshore's color/texture palette.
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It'd be nice to see a real-time HUD meter showing how close we are to hitting the dynamic lighting limit.
  11. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    The LAST thing we need are the same objects retextured. personally, i think we need new objects. It's very stupid, and I mean STUPID, that we can have Lockout in a cave, space, or a ravine. Foundry objects compared to sandbox, both great pallets, very different objects and feels. THAT is what we need, not the same ****ing pieces brown instead of white... I mean seriously.

    Sorry, it angers me to think about the fact that we can make the same thing on three different maps while they are exactly the same.

    Anyway, I would love if we got customizable gravity zones, the option to turn dynamic lighting off, new object pallet, maybe covenant styled objects? :)
  12. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    I made the first post very quick and did not realize that this post got somewhat big, so i will actually share my full thoughts. Also, please excuse any small grammar mistakes i may have.

    The sandbox items had a certain charm to them, and were very versatile. The forgeworld map and items looked nice and sheek, but everyone had the same style and was boring at some point. Like i said at first, i like the idea of different forge world maps. Although small, ravine as some nice areas. The ravine part is promising, That arena area is nice, and the space outside is somewhat large. I am not sure if i looked at impact completely or at all. Erosion has some nice areas. The grifball court is nice and large, and the lake is a great area. But other than that there isn't much. I would really want either a giant forge world map with different environments. Sand, maybe higher up some spacey area, a big beach and ocean and rocky terrain. Or many somewhat big maps all different types, but the items are not completely limited to them.

    Second, have all the forge items in a single pull and not map specific. Want a banshee on an indoor map? Sure, you do want you want. I would love to be able to block out the indoor area of Adrift and have a ring map. They don't fully realize the potential of user made maps in circulation. They can focus less on their maps, make more people buy the game do to "infinite" opportunity in maps, and focus on more spec ops missions.

    Someone mentioned moving options earlier, and some basic block spawning, movement and damage scripting language would be awesome. It can be part of the engine and used widely in single player as well and maps can be more diverse.

    Next, have more of the default map items be actual forge items. Like having the wheel in the halo 3 remake map last resort movable. It would stop map modding and would have awesome adventure maps.

    Everyone wanted a full map editor on the computer for a while, and why not? It would be big for the game. Maybe not be able to make blank maps, but would be easier to do some basic forging. It could actually have a undo and redo button, something which not even Bungie or 343 has. And a mass delete and copy/paste option.

    The skins, like i said would be great, having covy, unsc, sandstone, grey forerunner and more and could add diversity. Grass blacks and trees would be great, since many closed forge maps were lacking from trees and you had to be clever like the reach map vanilla to have one present.
  13. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the skins are pretty bad as well, they should be much more generic. something like metal block, concrete, stone, wood, rusted, why not wallpaper as well?
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    sandbox would come back, and then you'd all complain that all the maps look like sand.
  15. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    Yea, i like how they redid the skins, but now there all rustic looking and dull grey. Another thing, why can't you crawl and walk in the pipes, that would be awesome.
  16. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that's quite the point. I already think most maps in halo 4 look quite bland. skins are not versatile, you have little lighting options, and no weather, time of the day options. timesplitters had all of this.
    well, actually just hire crytek UK to work on forge :D
  17. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    I think the sandbox skins seemed more reusable than the black grey reach blocks. Which is why different block skins could be great.
  18. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think we need more shapes; we can't make a circular pit without a ramp in it, equilateral triangles would be really nice too.

    I think that the textures in halo 3 were simple, which I like. The more simple they are, the more objects can be added. Only now do I think that the objects are a little to fancy, take the 2x2 tall for example, I can't make good looking floors or walls our of them since the corners and filleted/smoothed. I think if we had simple textures and shapes we'd be able to make many more interesting structures like we had seen in many sandbox maps.

    Eventually 343 will release a map pack with more forge maps, hopefully they'll add a map without any limitations. I don't see why "custom community maps" can't be in ridiculous locations, they don't need to limit the community, what's the worst that could happen?

    TLDR; more pieces, simple pieces, simple textures, more places to forge.
  19. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I think I'm the only one who is against Covenant forge pieces. With the curved texture on them, it would be very hard to align them properly without them looking ugly.

    I'm okay with the reskined forge pieces CA gave us (Wished for forerunner pallet on Ravine), but in the future they should give us new pieces that would work just as well, like Given to Fly said above me.
  20. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    flat single texture coli walls
    flat natural geo terrain for forge canvas
    large terrain objects: a variety of grass hills we can merge with flat terrain, large structural rocks, mountains, etc.
    mega coli walls
    static spawning weapons
    variety of new forge pieces
    less kill zones
    access to water
    sewer pipes I can crawl through
    spartan air vehicle
    different objective modes in FLOOD similar to invasion or dominion
    no prefabs on the canvas
    Time of day Special FX
    #20 WAR, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2012

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