
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Romath, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. Romath

    Romath Ancient
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    Can You destroy The Generator?
    A Map By: I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldi3r

    The Map Makers​

    When deciding on what to create, we thought what is an original Game/Map, that no one has thought about. Immidiatly our minds drifted to the game, Generator wars from Mech Assault. At first we had decided Foundry, but the not detailed scenery instantly warned us, don't do this. So we decided to drift away, and create it on Rats Nest.


    Offence: At first you spawn in a base, with the rest of your team-mates. Pick up the trip mine, your going to Need those later. As you work your way up, you have a choice to make, Who's going to flank, And who's going to rush in? Once you have decided continue on your way. As you procede you can gather the weapons that you feel you need. Remember Try not to die, because your going to need the trip mines. Once you have arrived at the Generator, deploy the trip mines, and shoot them. Note: ( There is a secret to destroing it easier, but we would like to leave it to you to find out.) Once you have destroyed the Generator, continue forward to capture the Territory. The round will now promptly end.

    When on defence, you will spawn in front of the generator. You don't want to touch it, or else you may be helping the other team. So work your way around it and pick up the necessary weapons. Be careful the main way is not the only way they can come, there is a flanking route. So if you can defend the Generator for the 5 minutes, you have stopped the other team, from getting a point.

    Territory Capture Time: 3 Seconds
    Primary Weapons: Magnum
    Secondary Weapons: None
    Grenades: None
    Number of Rounds: 5 Rounds
    Time Limit Per Round: 5 Minutes
    Movement: Normal
    Respawn: Invinsibility ( 5 seconds, to prevent spawn camping.)


    Offence Base, Remember Team work is the key!
    Generator, There is a secret to destroying this baby!
    Some wars gone on here!
    Flank Route
    Taking the Flank Route
    Capturing the Territory

    Map Download Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Gametype Download Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    #1 Romath, Jan 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2008
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    short links at the bottom

    and better grammar/spelling :p
  3. Romath

    Romath Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    So do you have any comments on the actualy map, Or just the setup?
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    ok map...on the second one (i havent played yet so idk really), shield doors are easily camped...what if you grabbed the flag and then stood behind the shield door, and just wacked everyone who got close?
  5. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    i agree with insane, for right now untill you prove otherwise.
  6. Romath

    Romath Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    It's not a flag, it's a territory. Also the sheild doors only prevent snipers from killing you. ( Think of it as extra cover.), The 5 second invincibility, prevents close range.
  7. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    this map looks cool..ill try it out
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    ah i see...looks cool
  9. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    ooohhhhhh, i get it. alright ima try it today
  10. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    I like the idea of this. It sounds very creative in how you need to use the trip mines to blow up the generator. I think I will try this out today and see what it is like.
  11. Romath

    Romath Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    We just had a party of 3 V 3 and it was really fun, later when the other creators of the map get on, we can play it again.
  12. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    Will you add me then so I can participate? My gamertag is ix Cr0ok3d xi!
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    Where did you get the name from? Also, am I the only one who thinks the description of the screenshot should come before the screenshot?
  14. Romath

    Romath Ancient
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    Re: Surgenheis- A Generator map by, I Romath I I Athrom I & Lon3 Soldier

    Sure, I don't think that will be a problem, it just depends if I remember. Or if the other people don't come online, then I will just host it by myself.

    Well, I wanted it to have a " Mech Assault " type name feel to it. So I went to google, and typed in Mech Assault maps. They had a name like something, Turrenheighs Or something like that. Then I forgot the name I had changed it to, while writing the description, and I wrote down better.

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