I'd like to present 'The Forgotten Route' Update: Following testing which revealed game breaking bugs, The map has received many changes to the structure of individual puzzles. This will allow for the map to only be solved as intended. (Version 1.2 is now available for testing) About the map; The Forgotten Route is a puzzle map which will test your mind, but not make you break your television in anger. This is a puzzle for a single player. In this puzzle you will face multiple head scratching puzzles which lead you ever closer to the end of the map. As part of a Dominion Gametype, The Forgotten Route requires the Gametype 'Router'. Utilizing both old school methods of puzzle making and unique elements to Halo 4, The Forgotten Route is sure to bring a good time to those who want a change of pace from all other Gametypes currently available. This map is currently in Beta, please provide feedback on broken puzzles (If possible). Also, if stuck you can contact me via PM here, or an in-game message. I would be more than happy to help you along. I will create a walkthrough video if requested. Requirements for Success; MUST be Attacker/Defender (Red or Blue team) MUST be observant To Download Map Variant; Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (iSpree v3) > The Forgotten Route To Download Gametype Variant; Spartan Hub > File Browser > Game Types > File Share Search > (iSpree v3) > Router Credit: Thanks to iRemix v3 for extensive playtesting. Thanks to all other contributors. Everything else is up to you. Can you conquer it? Screenshots depicting a few puzzles; Spoiler Yellow Jump Puzzle Spoiler Blue Room (How do you cross?) Spoiler Green Challenge
FORGE CAFE PODCAST "The only shot of HALO you need" FRIDAY Night 8pm PST / 11pm EST December 28th 2012 "LIVE SHOW CALL-INS WELCOMED" "Talk about your HALO 4 CREATED MAPS live on-air" Hosted by Mr Forge Here's the Link to the show tonight @ 11pm EST / 8pm PST (30 Minute Show) FORGE CAFE PODCAST 12/28/2012 12/28 by Mr Forge | Blog Talk Radio Call In Show @ (646) 716-6215 "We'll ask you questions about your maps and customs"
looks really good!! its good to see that someone else finally made a decent puzzle map on halo 4!! I will dl it tomorrow and se if i can beat it!!!
Regardless of your Bias (He is my dang brother), thank you for coming onto Forge Hub and giving your feedback.
Nope that is the end! I hope you enjoyed it! Did you find anything off putting or in need of a second look? I will hopefully be making another puzzle which will use the budget more efficiently. Also, the game should have ended once you captured C (Having Last stand for dominion enabled) maybe that wasn't the case?
Nope the game did not end. And I'm not sure if I completed the first fusion coil/shield door puzzle the correct way. I'll PM you what I did.
i almost got to the end of B but im pretty sure i broke every single puzzle u made ill upload a video tomorrow
It is! and I going to wonder how you are going to fx the potential bugs i found because some of them are really hard to fix!!!
I'm uploading a video rigth now, when it's done i'll post the video here, since it's easyer to watch than for me to explain with my bad english. i'll only show the parts i though i cheated, ok? to i won't give any spoilers [br][/br]Edited by merge: Halo 4, Forgotten Routh Puzzle Map Bugs - YouTube here are the breaks and how far i got [br][/br]Edited by merge: also note that the golfbal in one of ur areas (i dont knkow what it is suppose to do) I set to never respawn [br][/br]Edited by merge: Halo 4 Forgotten Routh Walktrough! - YouTube walktrough with bugs, i made it to the end
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I went back to the structure of my puzzles and altered them in order to never allow these breaks to take place. It was two specific problems that made all your breaks possible and I believe them to be completely fixed. I thought about that golf ball and decided it was indeed useless, and therefore removed it. I will be uploading the improved version to my file share. I appreciate all your help.
The Forgotten Route 1.1 is up on my file share. I have changed the location of the teleporter to gold room which will not allow for you to bring anything but yourself.
Looks interesting, I will search it out and let you know what I think. I really enjoy puzzle maps, have not seen many on H4 yet.
Version 1.2 is in my file share. The last section (C) has been revamped. I removed all poorly built parts of the puzzle, which caused all sorts of problems. I replaced these with better, easier to work with puzzles which enhance the flow of the map. Enjoy.