****ing LOL. It looks like a headless chicken running around slaughtering everyone. I've seen this on Facebook before. I think it's ****ing hilarious.
yea a bunch of people are complaining about this on reddit too. i think it'd be cool if could be utilized somehow in customs... for example, if the Minotaur looked like that, i would pee my pants
yea a lot of people have been using this in MM i've heard err, i shouldnt say a lot, but more than one.
That looks hilarious. Apparently the hitbox is still there so it's not as cheap as it initially appears, but still, it would throw people off big time.
One, dont understand how the mod isnt detected with online use, and why are gamebreaking **** like this coming out already?
From what I've heard, the head hitbox isn't there, making them nearly untouchable in SWAT. Only beatdowns work against them in that playlist.
Notice in vid he never dies, As for the actual looks of the spartan armor its a "Cannot unsee" for me every time I see a spartan I can see the chicken suit underneath with just few bits of armor. "The mod Removes the heads hit box thus resulting only body shots"
I read from a guy who is using the mod and offering it to others that the hitbox is still there. See: this thread. But people have to know that and aim at it, which they generally would not; if they're aiming at the top of the physical model, they're hitting a spot just below the head's hitbox.
Hackers in Halo 4. So i was Play Some SWAT like i normal do, i was doing pretty good untill this PHAZON VII Joined my team i didnt relize he was hacking till after the Game when i knowtised he went 32 - 1, i was wondering why all of a suden i coulndt find anyone, this guy was killing them all. so i decided to recored the game from when he joined. Halo 4: NO HEAD HACKER!!! | PHAZON VII | Captured by KAZEROID - YouTube This Guy Had Some What of a sheild and increased Health, a Radar, and no head in SWAT
I once saw a guy in reach who had a fully automatic DMR, auotomatic aiming, and he could shoot through walls. Even with all this, he died twice because he couldn't work a jetpack properly on Uncaged.
It isn't but if it weren't in the game he would not have run into said hacker because he joined in the middle of the game.
That's pretty loose reasoning. He could just as likely have run in to him when they were both in the game from the start, so you saying that he wouldn't have run in to him makes no sense. Basically, Join In Progress is completely irrelevant. It's like saying that this is why you hate the blue team, because if there wasn't a blue team then the guy wouldn't have been able to be on the blue team, so he wouldn't have run in to him.