...Yeah, I'm gonna change that name. Anyway, welcome to my first competitive map! it's good to be here. I've been lurking in the preview threads for quite some time now and have built up quite a lot of knowledge about forging. That being said, of course, please leave any and all suggestions you have for the map. From what I've played, it plays pretty well, but that doesn't mean that I don't want any suggestions for improvements that you might have. (If you're pointing out a problem with the map, please give a few suggestions on fixing it because I will probably not know how). Alright... Let's get started. As of posting this, Blood Park is compatible with: Team Slayer FFA Slayer CTF KoTH I plan on adding odball and regicide as well (if necessary, not sure.) Team Slayer Red Spawn Blue Spawn Red Spawn with a look at the two red bridges and the four center towers FFA Slayer A look at the neutral concussion platform connecting the red and blue bridges Four towers again with a look at the second red/blue bridge intersection, this one with a sticky detonator. Weapon that is currently spawning in the center is the beam rifle. Capture the Flag Flags spawn in direct line of sight with each other Path in the center dividing the red and blue sides. Here you get a good look at the tactical jump. Jump of the crate and then the rock for a quick path to the concussion rifle. Rooms underneath bases to recharge shields. Make sure to go in secretly because it is very easy to damage you inside. A closer look inside the rooms King of The Hill Hill 1: hill in the center. Drop down from the towers, hide behind the crates, grenade grenade grenade! Hill 2:On the bridge. make sure not to fall off. Jump down to get out of the action. Grenading is not very encouraged here. Also appears on the opposite side. Hill 3: Wide open from many angles. Protect your long sightlines. Grenading is easy, but most combat is from far away. Hill 4:Rocks for cover. Keep your back against the wall and the rocks. if you don't feel like doing that, Jump up the angled rock for a height advantage, though there is very little cover there) Overview Red base is on the right, Blue on the left. Concussion rifle (180s) spawns on the top red/blue bridge intersection. Sticky detonator (150s) spawns on the bottom red/blue intersection. Beam rifle (random drop) spawns in the center of the four towers. Grenades (2:1 Frag to Plasma) spawn on each of the secondary, smaller bridges against the walls Notice that there is no tac jump from base to base to prevent insanely easy flag pulls. That being said, pulling the flag is still quite easy. Any suggestions to fix that would be much appreciated. Thanks for checking this out and make sure to leave ANYTHING you have to suggest. GT: mazdak26
Using 5x5 flats for a floor gets pretty rough to look at for a floor from all the variations of lines, don't know if that is what you intended so the floors don't look so bland. The map looks alot like foundation with added arch catwalks across the center. I would personally take out the catwalks, spread the middle structure out more so the halls are wider and turn the center structure by 45 degrees so it's not a direct shot from one base to the other and creates a LoS barrier. I would also add ramps to the side catwalks that link to each corner pad. The rocks don't blend, I would try to be innovative and create your own custom made cover over rather just using barrier, crates, or rocks. Hope this helps, just an opinion.
Soulcrusher NP is right. You should use the lines of the floor pieces to your advantage and use them to show the player where to go. Even though it is a simple layout. If you look at the base maps they have lights on the floor guiding the player. The lines should guide the player towards the centre as this is where the action and cover is. The centre floor piece shouldn't be the same as the outer pieces and there is nothing wrong with using rocks as cover if its part of the theme of the map. Add more rocks around the outside walls will do.
well, there is hardly any good piece for flooring. based on the screenshots I saw, they should bring back the forgeworld theme which looked much better. moreover it is the same pieces, right?
The flooring is not very noticeable in-game. I think it might just be the higher contrast from my phone's photos. As for turning the center structure 45 degrees and removing the bridges from the map, that would remove half of the playable area. There would be no access route to the top of the towers (which is quite a lot of fun to play on) and it would remove a lot of the mobility the map has going for it.
The flooring isn't a problem its just a suggestion. There needs to be higher cover as players that use dmr's or br's have an advantage when they spawn because of the direct sightline between bases. Players on the bridges also have an advantage. I think instead of rotating the centre structure and removing the bridges you could add higher cover so combat is more on the ground and the bridges are used to quickly get between bases for ctf.
when it comes to criticisms, the map looks (from the screenshots, haven't downloaded yet) dull. both gameplay wise and aesthetically. I wouldn't say bad, since it looks clean and playable. rather uninspired.
Ive made some alterations to improve its aesthetics and to improve the centre and cover. My gt is BenJ1278. It is in my fileshare.
Did you ask him? @mazdak The biggest current issue for Slayer is that it's possible to cross the map entirely without losing height. As a result, the only time players are going to come to the lower levels is when a power weapon spawns. There are maps with similar concepts that have played very nicely in the past. If you'd like, I'll link you to them somehow.
Lol no but its hard to describe suggestions on here. Hopefully he wouldn't mind and take a look and look at the changes ive made and may use them when he releases it. I just did it to give him ideas.
The map design is his and someone could take offense to that, even if it is to give him ideas but that seems a bit aggressive. You can paint a picture for him with words and he can gladly accept/deny your recommendations. SpinCycle014 is right about the catwalks and that is why I suggested taking them out and adding in ramps to the corner pads to provide high ground. This map will be a spawn killing extravaganza with the upper catwalks that go straight from base to base pretty much. The map would quickly start off as a fight for the high ground and as soon as one team over powers the other (taking the high ground), the weaker team would be fighting the whole game to re-gain it back as the stronger team has freedom of movement between flags.
I see what you mean but I have added it to my fileshare for him to look at and people have done the same with my maps. I hope he sees it the same way and is not offended
meh, don't really have a problem with that. I'm quite thankful for that, actually. It's not so much the catwalks that do this as it is the four towers themselves. Because you can run on top of them, it allows for a 15 second flag capture time. This isn't really a problem in gamemodes other than capture the flag because there are dynamic spawns anyway. You can't see the whole map even with four people because of the way it's laid out. By taking out the catwalks, not only would it remove the catwalks themselves from the map, but also the tops of the towers which amounts to quite a lot of the playable area considering how small the map already is. The ability to get anywhere in the map in about 15 seconds without being able to see most of it while doing so works really well for most gametypes besides capture the flag. Because of this, I don't really want to mess with it too much, or at least as much as you're suggesting. If it really comes down to it, I don't want to sacrifice a lot of the gametypes for capture the flag. Despite that, I was thinking of having the flags spawn underneath where they already do, in the box with the fusion coils, so that actually obtaining the flag would be quite a bit more difficult, and they wouldn't spawn in direct line of sight with each other. What do you think? A lot of the high ground is not visible to the rest of it. Between the towers and the catwalks, four people would have a really hard time controlling it all. On top of that, if one member of the team tried to for the flag, then it would certainly be impossible, though I can see where you're coming from, and I will still try to block some more lines of sight in the upper levels. Other than that, all I can really say is that jetpack and Promethean vision work really well for this map.