H2 Colossal H2- Colossus by: o CUJ0 o Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and CTF supported. I’ll keep this one brief. Here is my rendition of Halo 2’s Colossus now known as Colossal. It’s late and I’ll post more about it tomorrow. I just wanted to get this post created so I can submit both this and my PITfall (The Pit) remake to the Forgotten Treasures contest. (Comparison shot 1) (Comparison shot 2) I don’t have a video but am working on it. Please DL and let me know what you think! To find my map, go to your file-browser from Halo 4’s menu. Press start, go down to the bottom and then all the way to the right. Select maps, then search by gamertag. My new gamertag is - o CUJ0 o - that’s a lowercase ‘o’, space, CUJØ (zero), space, lowercase ‘o’
I have just seen your pit remake, and now this. These pictures look pretty good, it has an sort of temple feel, wich i like. And both are very accurate, i will download them both and come back to tell what i think of it, because i am really interested in these.
Thanks for everyone's interest in this map. It' been more or less complete since the second week the game came out. I'll post an updated version later assuming I need to fix something.
This is really impressive, especially since it was forged inside of the Ravine's forerunner structure. I can't say I've seen a more creative remake than this one (just look at the variety of colors and textures), and it plays like the original as well. I highly recommend this one.