A well-placed bribe can speed a cargo ship through what are surely some of the longest inspections in the galaxy. Map Name: Elongation Created By: SNIPE 316 Original Map: Elongation (Halo 2) Download Link: Search Gamertag: SNIPE 316 -> Maps -> Elongation Weapons spawn normally on the map, no drops other than personal drops when enabled. I'll take better screens when I have a little more time.
No they don't. If that's possible, I sure don't know how. Would probably take up a lot of the budget.
looks promising, If you would like, I can tweak the aesthetics, and add in a working conveyer belt (This will make a good debut for a mechanic I made)
Not expensive at all. Just a few gravity volumes. Those affect people as well though, so you could put in trait zones that cancel out the effects of the gravity volumes for players but the crates still move. Not sure if it will work though...just an idea I just thought of.
Only 50 bones? Seems like alot for this map it could be re worked to open budget but you don't need a working conveyor belt anyway. All in all looks really accurate I love elongation compared to longest only thing is I think ladders could be added to elongation for a good aesthetic kick haha they'd be pointless yes but stil fun
Have you thought of using the rotating cores turned sideways in the impact palette? The three pieces do move players and objects.