Map Name: Drainage Gt: AwTheHumanity EDIT: Updated post with pics a few posts down. A pseudo-symmetrical map built underneath the main area of Erosion. Two bases face off with a two-level center ring connecting them. Man cannons and grav lifts create alternative routes. Best with CTF, Slayer, and KOTH. Two notes: It is very easy to fall off this map, so it may be a bit frustrating before learning the layout. Also, a trait zone is placed on the top level of the center ring that takes away radar. This allows players to use the bottom level without getting dropped onto from above. Weapons: A railgun in each base, a needler and concussion rifle on top middle, incineration by bottom center lift, and spartan laser and beam rifle random drops. Pics: Download at GT: AwTheHumanity. *Author says gamer002 I believe, that was my old GT.
Overall, I like the looks of this map, and if you dont mind, I think there is some room for improvement. Connecting the pipes on the lower levels to the bridges would be a good start. I want to download this one first before being too judgemental, then I will offer any suggestions to you. Ok? From your screen shots, I think you have a good thing going, I really like that area under the base. Highlighting it with the green lights makes for a great color balance, and would offset the rocks you used and make them blend in with the permanent rocks you attached to.
I think you have the right idea here, it just needs some work. If you are gonna have a banshee, there needs to be more ways to defend against it. Try adding stuff to cover the field, like some arches, to cover top mid. Also you might add a power weapon at each spawn, to better defend against it. Because it is a smaller map, you might not need rockets. Make them test their skill with a StickyDet. Having only all of 2... maybe 3 routes to top middle is another problemo. Try to add a teleporter system, or another hard route up to the middle. Hope suggestions help
Definitely open to suggestions, it's the main reason I posted it here. Most people I've played it with said they like the layout but could just use a little improvement. And I agree with you on the bridges and pipes, finding a way to connect them in a believable way will be the first thing I do in my next update. As for lights, I already have red and blue sets of two, so I think I'll keep those as is. Weapons set is one of the areas I want to improve upon. I don't want a clear counter to the banshee, since there are plasma pistol starts and the fact it's a small, hard-to-maneuver map hurts it a bit already. However, the banshee bomb can really take over a team. Maybe sticky dets spawning at the bases and replacing the incineration cannon with a railgun would be more appropriate. That would also make the initial fight for top center more interesting, with laying traps and such. As for paths to top mid, there are 3 total ways for each team. From a base, you can take the base mancannon to the banshee pad area and jump to it from there (I'm thinking of making this route less wide open and easier to travel, perhaps cover at the landing area of the mancannon). You can go straight forward up the main ramp. Or, you can take the path to the lower area and use the side mancannon up to the top or the alternate way to the banshee platform. However, it may be a bit tricky to get out of the bases. I introduced weak spawns in the lower mid sections of the map to counter this. After my "first draft", I put in the pathways with railings on the sides in the bases to make a second way to the ramps. As for what I'll change, I'll have to do a few more playtests to get a feel for any additional routes. Thanks for the suggestions, definitely still open to more.
Well, I really like this map, but... i think it would help greatly if you put railings around each of the edges of the two bases. Leave the ramps and middle alone, just at the bases. Get something under each of the grav-lifts, so that you can slide into them from the sides a little, hitting them just off of center drops you into the drink. Around the dish, where the openings are, fill them in with rock. Stepped into a hole there and have to jump to get out. I think this area should allow you to not get stuck if your in CQC. Maybe the pipes connecting the lower ramps is not a great idea, having to jump is not a terrible thing. Playtesting on this spot could be very usefull. Finish connecting open pipes. Even if they go nowhere, it looks better. Other than those little things, I would say you got a good map here for some great custom games and Swat!
Overall I like the design! It seems to fit, but at the same time it kind of looks displeasing aesthetically. Try some test runs on it, and then work with it both playwise and and aesthetic wise!
Got up this morning and did a nice update. Bases now look like this: Notice the railings along the two back areas along with the new railings and jump area. Wish I could do better aesthetically with blue base, but the lighting on Erosion is weird. Pathway to banshee platform looks like this: Added taller glass railings in to give cover from top mid when you use the mancannon. Hopefully they don't look too goofy. Connected the pipes to the bridges and those ending pipes to the ground and added an extra respawn point down there on each side. Also updated the weapons. Sticky Dets at the bases, Railgun on lower center mancannon pad, Needler and Concussion Rifle up top. On-map shotguns with reduced ammo on the pipes and random spartan laser drops in the front of the bases. A few changes to symmetry, the decorative columns at the front of the bases have been corrected and the middle now gives one "slit" for each side to camp at, instead of giving red side two. The holes in the top mid area have been filled in with rocks as well. Thanks guys, keep the feedback and suggestions coming. Still need to playtest it for spawning, so if anyone gets a play on it that would be great. I most likely will be testing this weekend, so send an FR my way with a message if you'd like to help.
The new bases look great! I love what you did with the bases. And I can imagine the railings are soooooooper useful. The weapon changes are good. I feel much more satisfied with both teams being able to successfully counter the Banshee, right of the bat. The StickyDet's can be good in a small-ish map. Rail gun is the most obvious counter but people have to fight for it. Spazers blow up all the things. Nice changes. Narf approves of this post!