This a remake of Ivory Tower from Halo 2. I meticulously measured Ivory Tower and brought it in as accurately as is possible with the forge palette. Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (CenturionOmegaI) > Iridescent Initial Weapon Drops Sniper Rifle Shotgun Rocket Launcher Overshield Screen shots: Gametypes Supported: CTF Dominion Extraction KotH Slayer Oddball Thanks to some of my many testers: nillapuddin626 JSX29 iamkarlp SILV3R SK3ETER T1S3L Nazo Proxy ...and more! Notes: Contact me on Xbox Live if you want to play.
Looking quite sharp, my only complaint being that the cover pieces look wrong as the ivory tower columns. They are far too narrow and square, although the last point might be a bit off as I haven't played halo 2 for a while. Nevertheless, I will download your map.
Lighting looks great! I think the middle columns that are on the ground that are suppose to be the trees from Ivory Tower were a good choice. However, I think the columns on the second floor should be something around twice as thick. Will be harder without a ceiling because you won't be able to hide the top of the columns....and the bottom has hallways you cant block off. I would take a look in the Dominion piece section, there are black metal pieces of equipment you can get creative.
This looks really nice! One of my all time favorites as well. Thanks for taking the time to make it so well.
Wait... In reach we had an map that looked just like this (I know its not so long ago, can't believe i forgot the name) and it was also in the campaign. Was the reach one an remake from the Ivory Tower of Halo 2? Well, doesnt matter. I never played halo 2 (shame on me) so i wont recognize the map, but i really like what i am seeing here. I will put this on my "maps to download list" to take an closer look, im very interested
Yeah he made 2 lifts to get to top wish there was a good way to make an elevator :-/ all in all looks nice I'd change some of the pillars to be bulkier like everyone else said but it looks really accurate mine is going to be a little different closer to reflection than ivory tower, I'd have also lowered rocker spawn to make a trough with a little lip but that's just me. I also think adding rocks in a few places could boost aesthetics a little I know the original didn't have them but ravine rocks look reall good you could even re do middle with a ring of rock 2 to make it looks grassy
Reflection! Should,ve known... That is kinda cool, especially because reflection was in the campaign too.
This was on purpose. A lot of the multiplayer maps were (part of) levels in the campaign. Boorringg. Anyway, this Tower remake looks really accurate. I do have a question, though - have you replaced the health pack by the sword spawn with anything?
As always.. Just didn't know about this one. One question though, since i can't get on my xbox right now, how did you remake the lift? If you did, that must have been very hard.