Gravestone This a remake of Tombstone from Halo 2. I meticulously measured Tombstone and brought it in as accurately as is possible with the forge palette. Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (CenturionOmegaI) > Gravestone Initial Weapon Drops Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Sword Shotgun (2) Scattershot Overshield Screen shots: Gametypes Supported: CTF (1 Flag) Dominion Extraction KotH Slayer Oddball Thanks to some of my many testers: nillapuddin626 JSX29 iamkarlp SILV3R SK3ETER T1S3L Nazo Proxy ...and more! Notes: Contact me on Xbox Live if you want to play.
My only question is why so many people remake maps from halo 2 & 3 that are already remakes from halo ce? Why not just say its a remake of the original and not a remake of the remake. This was originally Hang 'em High. I'm not targeting just you but people also remake other remakes such as cold storage (H3) which was originally chill out (H:CE).
Did you try to build this one up top near the center of the hill where the dynamic lighting is? Not sure if it would have worked but I really think it would have looked much better up there with lighting coming in from an angle.
Because the original is not always better, or exactly the same. In this case, I loved Tombstone, but was iffy on Hang em' High.
Exactly there are some differences in variations along the way hang em high didn't have the forward lift to blue from ground or the back hall fall down that tombstone has and the reach version is just uber graphics hang em high. All in all I love the maP I'm doing reimaginations of this and ivory tower that change it up but stay true to the layout, u got my do for this and ur ivory tower
Good job on this Tombstone remake. I especially love that you added the magnum behind the glass. Super nice touch. The walkthrough I just took feels very nice and feels accurate. I'll playtest it tonight with some friends.
This is exactly why. A lot of Halo CE maps didn't get rigorous play-testing before the game launched, they were later refined, remade, and released. Thanks! I do like to get the details down. lol, thanks for pointing that out, I meant to do that but forgot. So much for getting all the details... Edit: I'll look into moving it, this was literally my first project in Halo 4 and that wasn't learned until later.