First of all, why the hell does it say you have zero posts? Haven't you posted a few times already? (18) Anyway, as for focusing on the text, I feel you could have done a little better. I personally like the placement and style, but your smaller words should not be such a light color/transparent. I'd suggest changing the color a bit or adding a border around the letters (forgot the specific name for "borders," I think it starts with an "s"). Also, the background feels a bit too noisy/distracting.
Posting in the graphics forum doesn't up your post count. Anyways im seeing split focuses, meaning the text is to distracting. I know you wanted to focus on text, but i feel you would need a simpler background to bring the text out as much as you did. Im not really an expert on text though, pretty much the opposite haha, but still nice work, the stock looks like it would be a ***** to work with, since you have to use the entire thing lol
I understand, and yes; the stock was a *****. I had to render the focal and even add on an part of the gun, which if you counted the holes in the first compared to the second, there are 2 more lol. I need to learn text. It's starting to ruin all of my work.
For the focus being on text I find my focal point is the guys face. That is just where my eyes are drawn to first.
Let me clear this up... My focal is the soldier. My focus on making this request was to make good text... Not make the text the focal...... Does that make sense now?
Its not ruining any of your work dude, trust me (i haven't been able to do nice text since i started gfx) your still poppin out some really nice editing jobs, and i like that you have a specific style
The lighting and depth are good. However, whethor it was the focus or not, the text creates a split focal between itself and the render. Additionally, the signature lacks flow overall and the colors are too similar. Though it wasn't difficult, I could not make out the focal instantly due to the brown hue encompassing the whole thing.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I would agree that there is no flow, but as you can see from the stock that the colors were kinda difficult. I took out the c4d color because I couldn't find a good color. Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I would agree that there is no flow, but as you can see from the stock that the colors were kinda difficult. I took out the c4d color because I couldn't find a good color. Merry Christmas everyone.