Krytical: New Asymetrical map [Video]

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by jagc2, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. jagc2

    jagc2 Promethean

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    Gamertag: Jag C2
    To download: In your Halo 4 menu ---Start---FileBrowser---Map Variants---Fileshare Search---JAG C2
    It is recommended to download (in my file share) what gametypes work best until MLG releases official V2 gametypes.

    Hi HC community! I'm presenting you a new map I made with passion! A lot of work have been put into it.

    Big optimisation: what was 10000$ budget used, is now 5350$.
    Problem with dynamic ligthning solved.
    Problem with lifts solved
    Bridges on maps more balanced.
    Name changed for Critical in my fileshare.
    CTF spwans fixed.


    Here is the HD Video that will speak for itself:
    Krytical Map Preview

    Krytical Map Walktrough

    If you were to make a baby out of Lockout and Guardian their genetics would mix to generate Krytical.
    It is a multiple story map and has 2 main towers, But basicly it has 4 parts (Blue,Red,Green,Gold) and one middle structure to connect them together.
    Blue team spawn blue base, Red Team spawn red base. Krytical was first intended to be a good Slayer and Oddball map but in turned out to be very fun as well in CTF,KOTH and Extraction.

    No need to say that a good map needs to be simple to understand. Thanks to 343 for the new texture coloring option but on some objects it is barely visible. So I tried to help you as much as possible with good identification signs that I did not see any other forger use yet.

    Notice the plates on the walls, if you see one of them its because you are on "floor 1", when you see two of them: "floor 2", three of them : " floor 3".


    When you spawn you mostly want to go for the RailGun in Green base or for the Sniper Rifle on top Gold but here is a more specific list of weapons placed on the map.

    1x Sniper every 180 sec (Gold 3)
    1x Railgun every 180 sec (Green 1)
    2x DMR (Blue 3 and Red 3)
    1x Plasma Pistol (Tunnel)
    4x Plasma Grenade (Green 1 and Gold 2)


    Krytical is setuped to be played on every gametypes except for dominion.

    Slayer: Of course, almost every map is good in slayer, this isn't an exception for Krytical.

    Oddball: This is what the map is intended for. There are several setups you can execute with your team because the map is well balanced, each base of the map offers a good possible setup. You can throw the ball in the abyss by the outsides and it will always playball on top middle.

    CTF: Some tweaks have been made to the map for CTF.

    It is the only gametype that you won't spawn in the same base. In this gametype, Red team is spawning Gold and Blue team is spawn Green, because the bases are farther in this orientation. There is no sniper or Railgun. Prepare yourself for some intense moments with touch return setings, which is the best way to play CTF in the map!

    KOTH: There are 3 hills: Top mid, Blue 3, Red 3. The team with the best setup will mostly win in this intense gametype.

    Extraction: There are 3 extraction site: Top mid, Blue 3, Red 3, once at a time. The least popular gametype, but very team oriented. You're gonna need to work hard to deserve your extraction point!

    To download: In your Halo 4 menu ---Start---FileBrowser---Map Variants---Fileshare Search---JAG C2

    I hope you will enjoy it! I can't wait for your feedbacks!

    You can also find in my file share:
    Rockout: Awesome Lockout remake.
    The Epic Challenge: A fun halo chalenge I dare you to try, you must download the "The Epic Challenge Gametype".

    Thanks to Upsilon for the help on this map.
    #1 jagc2, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I got the vibe of all the maps you mentioned in this map before I even read anything.

    Lots of height variation, what seems to be good structure, clean forging, and good object use.

    Looks pretty solid, man. I wouldn't mind getting a game on a map that actually looks like effort went into forging it.
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I am having the same feelings as Eightball. Looks impressive at first glance. I would like to get a game on this as well.

    As for the video, music was a bit too loud for me and your sniping skills are goodly. I would have liked to see a walkthrough of the map at either the beginning or the end. What I do see of the map looks great, though.

    Also boo for no dynamic lighting in theater.

    EDIT: Where are my manners? Welcome to Forgehub. :)
    #3 theSpinCycle, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
  4. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    This looks like a ton of fun. Aesthetically kind of plain but I won't even take points off on that. In terms of layout and design this looks spot on. I like what you did with marking the floors, and each area has a distinct feel to it. Honestly I don't think I'd have a problem with navigating the map even without the use of color. But the color is used well, and makes it much easier.

    Lockout/Guardian are two of my favorite Halo maps, I can see the influence for sure, but this has its own character, it's own feel to it. Good work man, I can't wait to get an Oddball game or two going on this.
  5. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wondered why the lighting felt off! /derp

    Anyway, I agree. This map looks solid, and I would love to get a game on it. Just a heads up though, I did spot some Z fighting in the video that you might want to look at.

    Also, what are those objects with the yellow triangles on?
  6. jagc2

    jagc2 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the critics, I have updated the map!

    Big optimisation: what was 10000$ budget used, is now 5350$.
    Problem with dynamic ligthning solved.
    Problem with lifts solved
    Bridges on maps more balanced.
    Name changed for Critical in my fileshare.
    CTF spwans fixed.

    If you like the map, plz redownload it for a much better version.
  7. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Green to red lift pushes you up to high... I think. Maybe add a jump pad :/ ?

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