Cold Storage (remake)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by timmypanic, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Cold Storage

    Halo 4 forge Cold Storage (Halo 3 remake) - YouTube


    Camera 1
    Camera 2

    Hello all, welcome to a quick preview.
    I have had a couple of attempts remaking cold storage on halo 4 on Impact and on Erosion. Today I got a good bit done on the erosion version.
    It looks fairly accurate so far . I have this mostly finished and have just under 1000 budget left.
    I have also removed lights and if framerate becomes an issue I will remove more of the aesthetics on a cleaner version. There's still a fair bit to measure and this has all been made from memory and screenshots.

    [I][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]What I [SIZE=4]found[/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=4] is frame-rate and lights degenerate as I enclose the [SIZE=4]map, so there will be 2 versions, a full aesthetic version capturing as much of the aesthetics of the ma[SIZE=4]p and a p[SIZE=4]l[SIZE=4]ain version without l[SIZE=4]ights and trimmed down where possible. [SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]




    [SIZE=4][SIZE=4][B]unsure if will use this middle or the first[/B]




    I have added many of the trick jumps and there are ledges around glass room and flood room and above doorways as the original had some of these too.
    Also I have used a trait zone for the map with halo 3 settings

    Comments and feedback appreciated

    Thanks for looking

    #1 timmypanic, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks spot on. And that's only one picture.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow Erosion is not the canvas I would have picked for Cold Storage. Damn though, that looks good. The textures on erosion should actually capture that flood infested feel rather well. I'd love to see some up-close shots, but this looks very accurate from the overview and I see some serious attention to detail even from that overview. Good job man.
  4. Sp1vo

    Sp1vo Promethean

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    Remember how this map was free? Would be nice to see companies still do that.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nope, free maps only come by accident and are then covered up with a bogus "buy and play plan". Sorry for off-topic, couldn't resist. At least forge maps are always free!
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks, I am having issues with my attention to detail on this map, already getting framerate issues and as the light generator has stopped the pieces are going in different shades. Also there are a couple of height issues that I need to measure to see where I need to change, I haven't added more pictures intill I get that sorted as It looks wrong.
  7. Aladin91

    Aladin91 Promethean
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    but on topic...this map looks really great! I loved cold storage and you picked the perfect forge canvas for a remake
  8. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    If I remember right the problem with your reach map (can proudly say that it is still in my DL'd map) is that all of the windows in the one room with all the windows, causes SO MUCH FR LAG. Its terrible shame it really is, i know how great the old one played and i hope in the "gameplay version" the frames run alot smoother
  9. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you. Yeah there were a few problem areas for framerate on reach version. We did release a 1*1 version that had fixed some issues. I am hoping framerate will be fixed on this version... the plain version anyway. For full aesthetic forges I am going to have to wait for the new xbox to come out and hope it can render more than xbox 360. Thanks
    #9 timmypanic, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    glad to see you working on this :)

    any particular reason you chose erosion?

    I think that the grit canvas would seem a bit strange
  11. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I first started on impact. The large impact pieces were useful for flooring and some parts but the round parts would have been more difficult and would have used a lot more pieces. The aesthetics on erosion suit map better. just wish I would have forged closer to roof. As I forge this I will also forge impact version... shouldn't take long once I get layout of map done. Also it will probably be easier to get glass room done in impact using 45 deg impact corridors.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks great, Timmy. No FRL this time, eh? Haha.

    I would, however, like to see you make a competitive map that isn't a remake. You know that, though. Throw me an invite sometime.
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I have added more pictures now and this is closer to completion.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks, yeah FRL was a pain on this in the begining and I'm not sure how this will be split screen but it seems fine single screen now I have forged and reforged this map.
    I have started a few maps but not finished any ha, will send you friend request. Thank you!
    #13 timmypanic, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  14. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Great looking remake Timmy. You always pay attention to the details. I've always loved your style of forging and you are also the nicest guy on forge hub IMHO :)
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you! It's been a while.. we will have to do some customs soon?
    I do try to be unique in forging maps. I have seen a few remakes of cold storage already, some had sizing issues some were re-images and some where too plain in my opinion. I like to capture the aesthetics to capture the map as best I can. Thanks
  16. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    FWIW, I applaud your effort to work on framerates, as often times splitscreen is used to play forged maps (at least for those like me).

    What I've done to test FR on maps is simply load up two controllers in forge and then verify in customs... aim the 2nd controller at the most detailed area of the map and then run around as 1st player and see if it's choppy.

    personally I feel that FR matters more than recreating all the asthetic accuracy of the original. or as you have indicated, creating two versions... one that is labeled as being 1player per console and one that works well with splitscreen.

  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks. I agree split screen is important, foremost I enjoy playing on my maps with my bro in split screen and it is disappointing when frame rate ruins the map. I have almost finished the detailed version and am now quite looking forward to stripping this map back to basics and getting the active lighting and colouring back.
  18. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've been looking for a good Cold Storage remake, and this looks really accurate. You got a lot of details here and there, and I like that you have the eyeball thing that followed players around the map. Too bad it won't this time around though. It was always cool to see the eye following a camo player around.

    I think you went a little overboard on the aesthetics though. Particularly the room with the window, doubles and rocks behind them. Also, the 1x4 blocks look very repetitive but I understand that was probably just to scale it properly. I would like to see it simplified to reduce possible frame rate loss and to just overall keep it looking clean and sterile.
    #18 Noooooch, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Noooooch, I have enjoyed remaking this and have tried to capture as much of the map as possible without going too overboard. I have learnt from previous versions how to forge each area efficiently, addmitedly this will all be too much for split screen, but now I have the whole of cold storage mapped out, it will be easier to trim down and reforge. I have looked through the lighting budget post and now need to find a way to forge the map without col walls, col windows, braces and xl platforms and any other high poly count pieces. I will have to change the 1x4s to be 2x4s to free up some blocks and I plan to leave it an open top with maybe adding kill zones for jet-packers and leaving map looking like the overview shot. It shouldn't take long when I start. I just need to work out best piece to replace the tall braces that the map needs for the height, or hope that leaving the central braces will not be too costly as there are only around 24 needed for the central part.
  20. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I like that technique someone posted for invisible walls to deter jetpackers rather than just killing them softly...

    if you haven't seen, it's a trait zone with higher grav that pushes the player down when they get too high...

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