Halo 4: Custom Maps #14: Gemeni (Halo 2 Remake) - YouTube Tell me what you guys think of my friend's map!
All in all not a bad layout obviously something hard to remake in h4 especially due to how limited forge is now but I do think this map is in need of some more aesthetic appeal, given how many silos and other round objects impact offers you could remake some of the covenant objects or just make the map feel more round to give it a more covenant effect, the prophet statue looks alright, I do believe the lift was closer to the wall being the main way up in the middle more so than for lifting to the prophet statue. Also I'd remake a tree using rocks would look more natural than the block structure he has now. It's a good start but go back look at Gemini from h2 and add some detail work to make the map pop more. Oh purple lights would help I do think h4 has those
Don't mind tycho, he's kind of a ****... Or maybe just a troll? I agree that this really could use a bit more aesthetic awesomeness like using rocks for the tree would work much better. I never really played too much of halo 2 so I can't leave any kind of accuracy comments. On the outside there were spinning pieces on the outer balcony I do know that it would be cool to use he station core pieces for that,unless he already did,didn't notice it in the video.
well i am currently forging this map and i'll just say i noticed a few things 1. The bottom area's layout is wrong. Ie the dimensions. the over shield should be farther away from the incline jump then the door and its not. Not to mention the over shield is in completely the wrong spot. 2. the blocks on the ramp are huge. 3. while you can't forge a tree. there are aspects of the tree that you can forge. he didn't try to at least make it look like a tree. you can't even jump down to that area at all its just a block he could have used rocks. 4. None of the rounded area is in the ramp next to the statue 5 the amount and placement of the pillars are wrong in the area where the tree is suppose to be 6 It seems much smaller then the original gemini
Yes but you failed to tell him what he did wrong. The post by Unrivaled was like yours pointing out its not right but told him what it was he did wrong, i didn't take a detailed look so i made some asumptions / general suggestions from what i saw from the video, telling him its just flat out bad doesn't do anything to help him forge a new one.
Anyway on back to the matter at hand, This above says it all i had a chance to do a run through and Unrivaled is spot on, listen to this, add more aesthetics and think outside the box. It doesn't always have to be 100% accurate my Ascension is a shinning example. Its Ascension but not exact, take time edit things a tad without taking away form the map layout and this can be revised into a really awesome forge map. If your buddy needs help pm me here and i'll be glad to assist GT: CaptnSTFU
Opinions are generally backed up by reasons to which you have provided zero, and it doesn't sound like you intend to provide any either. There's a such thing as being constructive. And then there's just being abrasive. Guess which you are. First grade lesson: if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. And you can criticize without being a prick. Believe me. It's possible. Furthermore, I've deleted all of your posts in this thread because all of them are unconstructive, uninviting, inconsiderate, useless and dumb. All of which are not good for positive community development. As far as the map itself, I don't really see what's wrong with it aside from looking a little bland. The layout is the same, the weapon set is the same, and the atmosphere is dark and dreary like Gemini was (thank you dynamic lighting). It's true to the original, but could use a few aesthetic enhancements.