where's carter with the paragraph? anyway Like the sig. Bested only by mine own. guess who I lost a bet to. Just don't click number four. okay, click it.
heyo, sky is a little... awkward I'll say, if he ever seems like he's being creepy, he is probably joking around. Oooor he is drunk, one of the two. other than that, welcome and have a nice stay. also, I wish I knew members from here IRL. Edit: Oh, and if you are into anime/manga you could check out our discussion thread that I in no way was partly responsible for the creation of.
My friend Gavin was friends with a guy named Clark who found his girlfriend cheating on him when he came home early from a trip and he murdered them both.
If your signature is indicative of your skill as a painter, just remember: real artists commit suicide. You want to paint with watercolours? Léon Bonvin made this masterpiece: Then he killed himself. Edward Dayes: Killed himself. Van Gough. BLAM!
Sorry for my lateness. AHEM Welcome, new citizen! Here at the city of ForgeHubLand, we have multiple things you can enjoy yourself with. For all forge related activities, you can head up north to Forgecast peak, where lower down the mountain you can find the Halo 4 (or if you are so enticed, Reach or 3) specific cafes where you can socialize or discuss Forge or other Halo-related things. Lower down near General River, you can find yourself in one of the various general chat nightclubs. Talk about other games, general life, or religion (though things in there can get quite rowdy, so be careful!) If you are for a hardcore experience, you can head down to the depths of the Blogcaves! Discuss anything and everything (but don't let the FHPD catch you, or you could get slapped with an infraction!) Finally, if you want a time to unwind with others, you could take the lolbox subway, and take a joyus and relaxing ride with other citizens! We hope you enjoy your stay here, and remember! On the internet, Men are men, women are men, little girls are FBI agents, and Sky is a creeper. No, really, a male anatomy part that is green and prone to exploding! All is well that ends well, Citizen Carter.
Someone has been taught well. Gratz Flingo. I probably wouldn't sniff the rag too be honest, I've no idea where it's been as it's been stolen several times. Don't touch me either, I'm OCD like that.
NO I AM PANDA! Also hi person's girlfriend, I see your sig, it was made in paint, I consider myself to be the best paint artist in all of Xforgery!! I challenge you to a duel of the most epic proportions. Also, 4 pages, I'm impressed, and expecting every thread you post in to get derailed.
Hey Santa!! This year for Christmas, could I get a new bike? I've been really good, except for the sexism, ridiculous amount of alcohol consumption and secretly plotting methods of reviving Hitler... albeit not so secret now. But a new bike would sure be fun to ride! [sub]Just while we're on the subject of talking to make believe people x[/sub]
Semi-derailing: I'd consider myself Otaku but not weeaboo, I'm learning to speak Japanese properly and I'm not filled with paedophilic anime-lust, I'm just obsessed to the point that you can't stop me. I watch it for the plot... I suppose I better get back on topic so the Staff don't punish me, although half of them are locked up in my basement at the moment. Aaaanyway, welcome again I suppose? Treat Flingo nice, he's delicate.