
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Greasyhippo, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    Could I request a post title change if possible? I would like to change it to "Punisher", when I created the thread I had not thought of a name for my remake. Thanks

    Welcome to Punisher! My Halo CE remake of "damnation" created for the Forgotten Treasures III contest. You can find the completed map in my file share.

    Currently Punisher is only set up for FFA or Team slayer variants. I had to use initial ordinance for all the weapons because I have almost no budget left. The weapons are the only real change I made from the original map. In CE there was too many weapons so I modified them for balance purposes. You will find some are still the same such as: Rockets, Overshield and one of the snipers (both snipers are there, but moved one of them).Active camo doesn't exist in Halo 4, so it has been left out as well as one shotgun, the other has moved to a more central location. Power weapon timers have been adjusted to 3 minute respawn, 3 minutes 30 seconds for the rockets, 1 minute for grenades and 2 minutes for the overshield.

    About the map design:

    Erosion was the map I ended up remaking damnation on, despite it's rather ugly skin, I chose it purely because of the pipe pieces. I wanted to remake the map as close as I possibly could in terms of aesthetic accuracy (given the forge limitations) over improved gameplay for Halo 4's style of play. I have used up almost the entire budget and dynamic lighting no longer works.

    Many hours of effort have been put into creating this map, I played Halo CE for PC so I could walk around and get a proper feel for the sizing of everything. As I went along I fixed up the aesthetics as much as possible while trying to keep the map accurate. If I felt like blocks should overlap to keep the walkway the correct size then I overlapped the objects despite creating a less appealing floor. I went for accuracy over aesthetics but I have tried my hardest to keep the map looking nice.

    I hope you guys will download the map, take a look and tell me what you think (GT is 'Bear Sausage'). I know it's not the nicest looking map ever created, but as I said, i wanted it to be accurate. There are a lot of little things you probably wont notice unless you actually hop into Halo CE, like walls poking out and such which you will find on the actual map.

    #1 Greasyhippo, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  2. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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  3. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    Thanks, ill get them up later tonight. Hopefully some people decide to check it out in the meantime.
  4. DoctorB77

    DoctorB77 Forerunner

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    Great that you are renaming such a good map. Hopefully I can get on it later today :)
  5. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    Just added some screenies from the Halo 4 version, click the Spoiler to take a peek! Hope you guys enjoy. Noticing a few things with direct comparisons that I might change.

    Some of the areas might look off but I think it's more to do with the view angle that you have in CE, it's a little forward compared to Halo 4, so the perspective is out a little.

    And yes, the "ladders" do work.
    #5 Greasyhippo, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    from the pics, it looks pretty good. there is already a good remake of Damnation made from Ravine, but this one is nice because it has a different look & feel to it. I'll have to decide which one I like more, but it could be that they are both worth of a download. nuttin' wrong w/ that!

    Did you say it was done?
  7. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    It is complete, but i may change a few small things now that i've seen a direct comparison of the CE version to mine.

    The damnation on Ravine probably looks a lot nicer, based on how he built the map also the ravine pallet just looks nicer, but I was going for accuracy over aesthetics. So hopefully mine is the most accurate remake :)
    #7 Greasyhippo, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  8. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like the most accurate Dammy I've seen. I would say it's the best, but it's on Erosion and you didn't use a purple color pallet.
  9. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    Ah good point, maybe ill see what it looks like with the objects set to purple, but im guessing it will make it worse. Probably a good idea if i made it on ravine. The only reason i used Erosion was for the pipe pieces, sadly that made it not as appealing.
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    eh, purple probably wouldn't jive well w/ the erosion bits and environment.

    I think it's okay if a level is layed out accurately, but still has different asthetics.
  11. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Although Damnation isn't as difficult to build as Penance, this is still much better than the other Damnation that I saw. I'm downloading now, but I have a feeling there's gunna be some massive screen lag in 8 player customs. Usually everything starts lagging at 9000 budget. You're at 9655 budget. You're gunna need to strip the map down a bit. I know you've already done such things as taking the roof off of pipe room(which looks absolutely awful and unexpected IMO, but you need to take off a little more. In some areas it looks really accurate, but at the same time it's so budget intensive that it's actually too good to be true. Just needa find a good a balance between the accuracy of the remake and your piece usage.
    #11 PA1NTS, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  12. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    Thanks for the feedback, i found it incredibly difficult to build it accurately while trying to maintain a lower budget so some things had to go such as roofs and the under part of the camo walkways, at the top. I will try to test it out in customs with multiple people to see how laggy it gets. There is not a whole lot more i can cut back on except the doubled up pipes.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Penance is like the same map... with connected walkways and a few lifts. Big whoop.

    Anyways, I made the other Damnation on Ravine, but this looks beautiful. I used too much of the Reach Anniversary map as reference and lost a lot of the accuracy of the original because of it. Plus lacking the pipe pieces... haha. Regardless, I love your take on it and I'll give it a download.

    Also, I've made 4 maps, all using almost the entire budget if not the entire thing. None of them lag in a full party. Don't strip it down if you don't have to.
  14. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    I didn't end up stripping the map down, I also checked what it would look like with purple set as the object colour, which I was not a fan of. So now the map is complete, but only supports FFA and Team slayer. Some weapon changes were made.

    I looked at your map silence and I think it looks very nice, even if it isn't as accurate as you would like. In the end it comes down to playability as well as accuracy.
  15. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is near perfect when it comes to layout. I did find some issues that could use some fixing such as minor z-fighting(object collisions) and a gap by your 5x5 flat/covers. I'm not so crazy about some of your piece usage. You have pieces merged awkwardly.
    #15 FTG Insanity, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013

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