Export is a small map and is similar to the pit and foundry. “An arms factory warehouse lost during the fall of reach” Supports: Infinity Slayer, Slayer Pro and Swat. I will add oddball, ctf soon. Export has lots of cover and some open areas in the centre of the map. Overview shot of the centre Spawns Tunnel linking spawns Cannon man Exterior shot of where cannon man takes you Here's some other shots Changelog: Added concussion rifle and two plasma turrets Please try out my other map Despatch. Map Preview Fusion - Forge Hub Export as well as Despatch are in my fileshare if anyone wants to try them out. My gamertag is BenJ1278.
Interesting theme you have going on here. Love the forge pallet choice you use, fits in with the abandoned feel it has. I'll give this a DL.
It's hard to get a sense of what the layout is other than your simple weapon layout at the bottom. Aesthetically, the map caught my attention which is wha caused me to actually look through all your pictures so nice job on that. Could you add an overview of the actual map please?
What do you suggest I put in there I was originally going to put a rocket launcher in there but it would probably be OP. I think there needs to be a power weapon in the centre so people go to the centre. Otherwise there is no reason for people to play in the centre and the gameplay might centre around the tunnel by the spawns and be a frag fest.
What I like to do is place the weapon old-school style (not a drop) and limit the ammo. That way, you are enticed to go for the power weapon, but can't go around getting too many kills w/ it. Maybe it's rockets with 2 or 4 shots in it? Maybe it's concussion with only 1 extra clip?
The good thing about ordinance drops though is it shows you where to weapons are although for some reason I cant put an ordinance drop at that spot so it has to be the old school style. ATM I have a concussion rifle there and an ordinance drop. The ordinance drop doesn't spawn but it shows up on the map and I can limit the concussion rifles ammo as its an old school one. Its hard to explain. I hope you get what I mean.
the maps looks decent, but it's very unpolished. there are some spots where I can go by crouching and I see some gaps. I can also go out of the map using the man cannons.
Yes its quite hard to fix the problems with it as ive almost used the whole budget and the lighting no longer works. Its such a small map but uses soo many pieces as you might of saw, the roof is terrible. When Christmas is over I will try to fix it and add more game modes for it.