Spartan Ball (Minigametype) on Mantis GunBall Arena(Map)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Aeoss, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spartan Ball (MiniGame)

    After tinkering and quite a few experiments, Ive finally come down to this new iteration of Spartan Ball.

    Updated The goalie mechanism to be extremely more effective in activation.
    Updated aesthetics and added color to further improve Team Identification.
    Updated Loadout to decrease frantic gameplay and improved Teamwork.
    Updated Gametype to further prevent players from simply killing the mantis.
    Updated Soccer-ball initial spawn time to enable game fairness upon goalie selection.
    Updated Scoring system to ensure 100% coverage after activation.

    Spartan Ball (gametype)
    Spartan Ball Arena Beta 1.1 (map)

    GT: Aeoss

    Spartan Ball Minigame
    Recommended for 8+ players
    Work as a team to push the soccer ball across the map into your opponents goal, thus scoring. the first 10 seconds of the game is used to determine who wants to be goalie. first person in? or a person you know is your teams dedicated goalie.

    After 10 seconds the goalies and remaining players will spawn in field, where the true game begins.

    Mantis pilots can work offensively and or defensibly. using the weapons to push the ball around and using the melee to stomp kick players and the ball out of the goalie zone.
    Goalies do not have line of site across the entire field.

    The ground players work in a team to forcefully push the ball via coordinated weapons fire.
    Premade Loadouts further promote player style, and or team needs.

    Due to the respawn timer the soccer ball, will still respawn to the center of the map and may cause issues with goal score keeping, it is not game breaking, but can prolong the game from ending. This Cannot be fixed as of this moment
    On rare occasion, the goalie may lag/glitch out of his zone, and walk freely across the map, I have made new teleporting system to help prevent this. however, it can still happen if the conditions are met.






    Mantis Melee will kill you

    The Ball, Can kill you

    All eyes on objective

    How it works:
    The map uses a custom king of the hill gametype in order to achieve the soccer minigame. where as the mantis mech is the only presence on the field tall enough to permanently stand in the hill. thus permanently contesting the single large hill present on the map. there are extra precautions taken to prevent cheating, and extremely simplify honor rules.
    Honor Rules:
    1. There must be a player in the Mantises at all times or the game will either not work and or end abruptly with a win or loss(depending on the situation).

    Map Design Concept
    The map is designed with a diamond shape in mind. This helps funnel the action towards the goals.
    The Middle Corners of the Field are Low Grav zones. This causes juggling and stops the ball from being locked in the corners.
    Shield doors in the center prevent the mantises from applying excessive firepower entirely across the map and forces teams to push forward or retreat when the ball passes through.
    The Goalie box is:
    A mantis container (allows minimal mantis movement)
    No pedestrian zone (players cannot stand here for long periods) , For pedestrian safety.

    Gametype Concept
    Four loadouts enable tactical sense of purpose. Try each one out to figure how they can be best used and or suited to your play style.
    There is only one hill to capture, and another to mark the soccer-ball location.
    You can only die a very few ways.
    Death by Mantis melee, Killzone, Soccer-ball Splatter(rare), Killball
    #1 Aeoss, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  2. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    This looks like a ton of fun! I'd love to help test. Gamertag is same.
  3. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I'd like to test it, but from your gamertag, I find no files.. you sure you have it up on your fileshare?
  4. ELR561

    ELR561 Forerunner

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    i've been helping test this map and i must say, its pure genius.
  5. AJKI11A

    AJKI11A Promethean

    Likes Received:
    HEY I would like to playtest and bring a working version to the REDDIT COMMUNITY CUSTOMS gamenight

    Please send me a message my GT is AJKI11A
  6. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #6 Aeoss, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  7. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    Super necro-bump, but how is this coming along? I'm still quite interested in playing, give us an update?
  8. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just did a massive update.
    So now i need another few rounds of playtest to make sure the changes took hold.
    Check my fileshare here shortly so you can help playtest for me.

    If you do playtest it,
    keep in mind you need a minimum of 2 players for it to even function, and a minimum of 4 players for it to be even played.

    Highly recommend you playtest this map with 8 players or more.

    Please reread Original Post!
    #8 Aeoss, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    cool idea man...i like the look of the map too. I am seeing shadows casting on the ground below the floating structures... is this dynamic lighting? I thought there was no dynamic lighting in the grifball court section of Erosion. My map never casted any shadows in there....
    #9 Starship Ghost, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  10. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not too sure about the shadows in the grifcourt. i see people with mixed results, but i think it might be because the method of how the shadows are casted is the culprit along with the whole glitch of just having no shadows when you reach a certain budget (poly count).

    shadows generated in the court generally only cast directly below, which kinda makes sense since the lights on the ceiling are right above. also, i noticed it seemed a bit harder to cause shadows to generate on the default floor in the court. because i had to raise the floor, objects cast shadows pretty well on each other.

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