FragsturBait is a Jerk

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fragsturbait, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    Are you prepared for Frags Flaming Ninja Challenge!?

    Better tape your sticks to your hands, cuz this one is gonna make you want to throw them through your TV! 5 crazy difficult challenges, and if you die, you go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE START!

    Challenge 1 is a kill barrier maze. That's right, invisible walls, that kill you. Navigate a grid of columns, there's only one path through and when you make it you're faced with. . .

    Challenge 2! A timed run through the biggest shittorm you've ever seen! You've got 10 seconds to make it through a field of floating everything on a Ghost. Crates, cones, chairs, killballs, fusion coils. if there was a kitchen sink in Forge, this part would have 15 of them.

    And then. . .

    Challenge 3. (dramatic music) Five lethal drops onto platforms hundreds of feet below. Each landing platform is split into 5 sections, only one section is safe to land on. Guess wrong and you're a small stain!

    Cue challenge 4. . . Epic kill-ball tower of DOOM. Climb up the tower, dodging the moving kill-ball. Reach the top and your reward is. . . GOING BACK down, but there's a twist! ANOTHER KILL-BALL! Only I would be so evil as to torment you with such a genius plot. Reach the bottom, go through the teleporter, and face your final challenge.

    FINAL CHALLENGE #5! Exit the teleporter, hop on the Mongoose, and jump off a mancannon through a series of teleporters, each one flinging you further than the last. Your goal is the round platform between the 2nd and 3rd sender nodes. You've got two chances to get off the mongoose mid-air and land on the platform. Upon landing, grab your Sniper Rifle, look to the sky (handy arrow provided for reference), and receive your prize!
    I kind of lied a little bit. You have only one chance. You have two chances to grow a pair and TAKE that one chance. Do it you wuss.

    You're probably asking yourself, "Self, how do I download this most stupendous of settings, this most magnificent map?" Well its really quite simple. Step 1: Press start! Step 2: select Map Variants! Step 3: File Share Search! Step 4: Enter my GT (FragsturBait)! Step 5: Download "FragsturBait is a jerk"! Step 6: Profit!

    TL;DR: Go download my map you scrubs!
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not familiar with these "flaming ninja challenges" or their regulations, but is it required for players to always respawn at the first challenge? Personally, I would get too pissed off starting at the beginning each time to finish, hahaha. As for the challenges, I think they are all pretty neat aside from the first one. The reason being is that completing doesn't necessarily take any kind of skill but instead somebody with the patience and good memorization.

    I'll download this when I get my xbox back. I don't expect to complete it though, hahaha.
  3. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    How did you make the timed ghost run? (I know about the gravity volumes, but how did you put a time limit on it?)
  4. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    soft kill volume over the run

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