Map Name: CHECKERED Gamertag: LEE C G Recommended Players: 2-4 (most suited for 2V2) Recommended Gametypes: Plays all game types except Dominion This is a small, simple map with a layout that is quickly and easily learned. I created it for 2 versus 2 team games, but it also plays well with 1 versus 1 or small free for all matches. Unlike most of my maps, there isn't much to it, aesthetically. It is, however, neatly crafted, and I put a bit of effort and thought into making sure it worked well with the dynamic lighting. There's a good balance of light and shadow, making it easy to distinguish between the different sides of the map in spite of the perfect symmetry. Check it out, and let me know how it plays and if there is anything that needs improvement. Also, if anyone ends up having some good games on it, save the movie(s) and let me know so I can download it for use in a video. Plan: Red base is on the far left corner, Blue base is on the right Red Base: Blue Base: Map Center: Flag Run: Thanks for checking out my map.