Shield Break Valley (300 Minigame)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Turtlespoon, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Shield Break Valley
    Based on the film '300'.

    I know, what an original name. Here is the TL;DR description of the map. A more detailed set of rules can be found below.

    Please note this map is still in testing phase, if you find any faults please let me know here. I'm aware there may be some, but I haven't had a chance to test with 8 cooperating players.

    Gametype style: (Tactical) Mini-Game (KOTH Variant)
    Objective: Capture and hold (And Kill)
    Base map: Ravine
    Players: 8-16
    Score to win: 250 (Change it to what works best for your party)

    How to Play: Use hardlight shields in formation with friends when offensive, when defensive, kill enemies before they reach the hill for a better chance of winning.

    Game type name: !300!
    Map name: Shield Break Valley
    File Shares Gamertag: Turtlespoon (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)
    (Just search it on your console on the start menu and download
    the map and gametype on Halo 4)

    How to Play (Detailed):

    If you've seen the film '300' this will be easy for you. There are no honour rules, Infact these are more guidelines than rules. You can choose to do the things below but It's likely you will die alot if you don't.

    - Both teams start at opposite ends of a corridor with a shotgun (Represents a sword, as I didn't want players lunging around the map)

    - The hill for you to capture will be dead ahead, in the centre of the corridor. At the start of a game you will want to rush to the hill, first team there has the advantage.

    - After one team has been eliminated the surviving team (What is left of it) will have to hold the center base, Using Snipers, Br's, Pistols, Saws or Turrets.

    - Hill Holders represent Archers, with the option of Precision or Automatic firing.

    - Offensive team represents Spartans, with unlimited Hardlight shield.

    - You cannot leave the Hill once entered, your ability to jump is lost and railings keep you sealed in.

    - Instead of changing roles every round, you change when the opposing team captures, or loses the hill.

    - Archers try to shoot the Spartans coming up the corridor, Spartans have unlimited hardlight shield to block incoming fire.

    - This is where it gets interesting. If there are atleast 2 Archers on the far ends of the hill, Spartans cannot completely defend themselves on both sides. Getting to the hill will be extremely difficult on your own. The idea of the game is to work as a team. By forming up with your fellow Spartans side by side, you can overlap your hardlight shields and even form a bend, protecting you from oncoming fire from both the left and the right.

    - If you block all fire and reach the hill, before you enter there are 2 Saws, an overshield and a damage boost. (Only Spartans can access these, they are unreachable from the hill) This is to give them an edge in taking over the hill.

    - For archers the main objective is to keep shooting, if they reach the hill the map is made to give them the advantage, your best chance at winning is trying to stop them before they get close enough. Look for holes in their shield formation, or hope they don't stay as a group and take them out one by one.

    - For Spartans who reach the hill, while it appears that the two tunnels are your only form of access to the hill, you have a modified jump height outside the hill so that you can jump in from over the barriers for easier access.

    I'm currently testing different gametype settings. Feel free to make any changes to the gametype, especially the spawning. If you change something that you feel has improved it, please share it with me here and let me know what you changed.

    Picture (More to come, the map is symmetrical, what you are seeing is the hill looking down at one of the bases.)

    My GT is Turtlespoon as mentioned above, you can download it on my fileshare via Halo 4. Let me know what you think or any changes you would suggest to the idea.


    EDIT: Bad news, I ran out of Xbox live and resorted to using a few of my 14 day passes, Unfortunately I don't technically qualify as a gold member, and don't have use of the file share. If you bare with me I'll find a friend who will allow me to upload it to their file share instead.​
    #1 Turtlespoon, Dec 18, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  2. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

    Likes Received:
    This is a great concept, I've always thought of doing something like this, but couldn't be bothered to figure out how, I'll give it a DL as soon as it is on your fileshare
  3. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Thanks, It's being tested in a customs lobby tonight so it should be up by tommorrow.
    I wanted to do something like this in Reach but without trait zones or Hardlight shields it was more or less impossible. I forgot all about this idea until last week and decided to give it a try. Interested to see the tactics people come up with.
  4. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    I am PUMPED for this one. Can't wait to play this with full rosters, shits gonna get cray cray.
  5. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Also, did you know that you can turn your hardlight shield so that it's facing straight up? IF you had a coordinated enough team, then you could actually make a "turtle" formation:D
  6. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    I know right I would've LOVED to see a turtle formation going.
    We had a test yesterday but it still needs work. I can't force people to work together, it's down to the players to do so, but right now it's just an incredibly hectic game of KOTH. I'll keep experimenting for now.

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