Hi, This is my first time in a long time posting here so I hope it goes over well XD. This is a 2v2/3v3 Slayer map varient on Erosion called Pipeline, this is a symmetrical map in beta form so bare with me not all the kinks have been worked out (such as putting weapons on). - Top View - - Spawn - There is a ramp on the left leads to SAW and the path to the right to the Sticky Detonator, while walking forward will take you to shotgun. - Shotgun/Scattershot - I haven't quite chosen either the Scattershot or Shotgun to this weapon placement yet. I leaning on the Shotgun because the bounce on Shattershot rounds, I'm still testing them out. - Sticky Detonator - This weapon placement is subject to change, I feel the Sticky Detonator is a little to planned and delayed to be effective on a tight map such as this one, I'm open to suggestions. - SAW - I'm going to be lowering the ammo of this to 1/2 or just switching it out for a Needler or something more interesting. - Middle - The overhanging bridge has a hole to drop down into the middle of the map, pipes are for decorative touch and a bit of cover for people not going for Shotgun Weapons. - Sticky Detonator Walkway - The Sticky Detonator weapon spawn I felt was too long of a walk to get when there was a ramp there, so I removed it and made it a walkway and a ladder to top bridge instead so it can be picked up faster and give the player going for Sticky Det a but of a chance to fight back. - SAW Ramp - I found people were getting to the SAW too quickly so I did the oppisite of the Sticky Detonator and added a ramp. - Shotgun/Scattershot Ramp - This ramp leads to a rather small corridor where the Shotgun/Scattershot is, openings on both sides are symmetrical. This map isn't on my fileshare yet, not until I get weapons and timers figured out. Weapons seen in screenshots are placeholders, I hope you enjoy this small look at one of my many maps. Feel free to leave constructive criticism or comments down below. Thanks
I don't know how to fix it :/ I literally figured out how to post pics and it showed them in the preview