Halo 3 Construct remake This is an upgrade from my first construct remake. I decided to listen to the community who enjoy a Construct that is more scaled with halo 3 with a few more aesthetics thrown in. I did most of this from memory and watched a clip of Halo 3 Construct online to created it. Enjoy and have fun. Download Link: Add or message GT: Card Trix Supports: Oddball,KOTH,Team Slayer, FFA Recommended player count: 2-8
You know, I was going to try my hand at a Construct remake of my own, but after seeing these screens, doesn't seem like much of a point. This is far better than anything I could come up with. I haven't downloaded yet, but I will as soon as I get on Halo 4 later tonight. +1 sir, looks amazing. *edit* got a GT we can get this from? I can't seem to find it. . .
This does look much better than your first go. Downloading now and I'll edit in my thoughts. EDIT: First Impression: Yeah, definitely much nicer than your first one. Using the dark side of the cliff brings back the feel from the original of having a towering structure above you. It's also good to see sword spawn facing water. It might just be my memory failing me, but the purple lifts still seem off. You might pop in Halo 3 and measure the dimensions of those rooms and cross reference them with other parts of the map. Top orange is a bit off. iirc the wall to the right of it is wider than it is to the left. It should also throw you a little further into the room, but that's minor. There is also a missing portion of the platform where the railing is. Other railings in the level are kind of uneven, Like on the ocean side between the large ramp and purple. You might consider replacing the 4x4 flats on the bottom level with 4x4 shorts. They're easier on the dynamic lighting, and I believe the floor was thicker there. The tunnels seem way too open now, however. If you're able too, you might do the same thing here as with purple room, and measure the dimensions in Halo 3. Sorry if it seems like I tore it apart. Not my intention. It is a vast improvement over the first version. I just think there's still a little way to go before it hits that remake sweet spot. Edit 2: You might also take a heat map of the original level and overlay a grid on top to help you get the dimensions and angles right. That's how I did Turf (which admittedly was much easier than Construct seems like it would be), Cold Storage, Ghost Town (unfinished), and Epitaph (also unfinished). It just seems to help eliminate a lot of the guesswork.
I respect your feedback I wish I could do measurements with Koth hills or something as you were saying but I only have Halo 4. I use to have 2 Xbox 360s so it is easier to do an exact scale of the map. By the way Im going to update the map because the spawns are not activated.
From the screenshots this looks overall better than the first attempt but that slit in the floor in the last screenshot needs to be fixed. Its just supposed to be a small square hole on the edge. Also if you fall though it your supposed to just fall down to the lower platform instead of falling out of the map and dying, (at least that's what I thought happened never fell down it myself.) Will download later. I really hope it doesn't disappointing me as much as the first attempt.
I just played a game on this with my friend, and another with my bro. It brings back so many fond memories Anyway, I found it slowed down the framerate a bit while playing splitscreen, but I suppose there isn't much you can do about that. Another thing I noticed is that the Incineration Cannon is FAR more overpowering than the Flamethrower ever was, maybe make the respawn timer on it longer, or you could give it less starting ammo? Aside from that, awesome remake, definitely an improvement over the first-which I downloaded for comparison. I can see my friends and I playing many games on this EDIT: Just a thought, maybe(if there is enough budget) you could add a purple base shield to the inside of the launch areas of the purple grav lifts? My bro took a while to figure out how to use the purple lifts, that's all, I think adding them will make it easier on people who never played the original.
regarding what exlipse said about splitscreen framerate, I think that's really important to fix if possible. You appear to have wanted to keep all of the complexity of construct but in order to achieve that, as you know, must use many pieces where the original designers just drew the shapes they needed. many of us will try to play custom maps using splitscreen, so any work done to improve that would be great. There may be ways to reduce complexity without loosing the overall feel and stay true to the original design. Exactly how? IDK. But I wanted to put in my vote that you at least try Otherwise I would support people posting whether or not their level will/should work with splitscreen or if it should be 1player/console as part of the map's listing.
Lag in splitscreen is virtually unfixable. The Xbox 360 is really showing its age at this point, you get the same splitscreen lag in Matchmaking; its particually bad in Big Team (for obvious reasons). Don't bother trying to fix it because its not something that can be fixed. If its lagging with only one player that's a different story.
you're right to a degree, but certainly many maps don't lag on splitscreen and I haven't noticed much more lag with two people on my console over matchmaking. Just normal network lag. Framerates seem pretty good, but perhaps lower than they would be with one person on the console. But still very playable. So you're right that all maps will have reduced framerate when going splitscreen, but what I'm talking about is that some maps suffer so much from this that they cannot be played on splitscreen. Removing some complexity by using a block instead of a silo, for instance, is a good way to improve framerates. There's one map where someone used the 4x4 deck roof piece as a ceiling over and over again, and it clearly causes tons of framerate lag. If htey used half as many, it might have fixed it, though I haven't tried to mod his map to see for sure. There certainly are some things you can do to improve framerates, and I'm just advocating that each Forger tries to do their best with it. Sometimes, creativity and vision cannot be compromised. But other times it might be possible to get roughly the same map using less complexity and fix the issues with splitscreen.
I'm not sure what you mean. I fall down the slit hole just fine unless your holding the left stick towards the mountain view.
I just wanted to congratulate you on an incredible improvement to your first Construct map. I was happily surprised to see such a drastic, and far more accurate, overhaul. There is definitely room for improvement but it's now about refinement instead of re"construct"ion I don't know if there have been any updates to your upload since you had originally posted Awestruck 2, but I did notice that when I played this a couple weeks ago that you still had at least one of the purple lifts grabbing you through the wall on the lowest level.
Yea Ive been updating it. Im not sure what you mean is it pulling you from the opposite side? and yes Im done battling with frame rate it will always be there with construct.. I hate it. Im actually going to try to remake it again not 100% sure though..