Single Choice What is your favorite work, give the name of the map, then the name of the creator(s) to give those masterminds some credit...also, if you would like give us a link to the map to know which you're talking about, and/or a pic. Also, towards the middle of the threads existence, i will be posting a poll the more commonly voted ones will be on there, also, there will be an "other" section. I guess I will start out... My favorite map of all time...hmm...*runs to get link*...ah there it is Pallet Parade by Cosmic Rick For its originality and simplicity, the map as a whole felt really small and simple, though there were some things in there that just hit the forging world in the face (the conveyer belt & teleporter signs) great job Rick, and I hope we see some more forge creations by you sometime soon!
Snow Mice Created by Grif For the shear fun you have when running from a giant blue plasma mortar. Priceless.
Thats a hard one. My 2 all time favorite is Kentucky tango by cosmic rick and my second is reflex by matty. Kentucky tango because it was my very first all time favorite and it has a lot of skill put into it.And it was original.Well balanced. Reflex because of really nice gameplay and aesthetics .
My favorite map is Distortion because of it's uniqueness, gameplay, it's use of optical illusions, and how fun it is to show to a friend. Link :Distortion