My experiences with the Combat Knife (the normal knife seems to work more often): * One off my final Bloodthirsty for Diamond Specials, go to stab a guy on the outer garden on Plaza, ****ing bounce right off the map. * Countless non-sensical missing of stabs. * Less consistant than the Executioner.
Knifing does need a tune up, but I never knife anyway, cause I use Tactical BL. Also, the Shotguns do have a bit of range, and may need to be tuned down some, except the KSG, its supposed to be like that. And yeah, the maps are all pretty bad, the worst ones are Hijack and Overrun, i think thats its name. The only good ones are Meltdown and Carrier. Also, I never understood why people hated Blops 1. I thought it was the best one.
I also thought blops 1 was one of the best in the series. but blops 2 is easily the worst for me. its the first cod i've played where i just dont enjoy myself. its just a combination of the maps, the spawns, the weapons, everything. i just can't have any fun playing it
That sucks for me to hear. I was thinking about getting it around christmas time. How is the zombies? (I've read the reviews but I've realized that they are so inaccurate now a days).
I've been playing blops 1 with my buddy a ton recently and we usually just fight bots on hardened or veteran. Winning all the time is much more fun than online :3 If halo had bots... i would be so happy
I can agree with the maps and spawns. The weapons don't really stand out from eachother IMO like on blops 1. The only ones I can tell the difference is the KSG and the Semi auto sniper. That is about it.
I am soon getting the season pass because of this: Black Ops 2: Revolution Trailer - Zombies Die Rise Gameplay - Multiplayer Maps + "Turned" Gamemode - YouTube
I'm really looking forward to the new zombies map. Zombies is the only reason I even have BLOPS 2. Notice how this new zombies map has "MC Escher" like confusing rooms where you "might not know up from down" and one of these *distorted* rooms has a statue of a Buddha in it? Coincidence?! (almost definitely a coincidence, yes)
So with this New DLC for zombies, what about TranZit? I was kinda hoping for more routes for the bus and whatnot..
No new routes for Tranzit, but it looks as though it opens up The Diner as its own selectable map for this new Turned mode. It might also mean it's now available as its own individual Survival map too - although, if that's true, it looks like it'll be similar to the Bus Depot Survival map in that there are no Perk Machines or Pack-A-Punch.