Hi everyone! Since the day that Halo 3:ODST came out several years ago i wanted to recreate his playstyle into a competitive game like Halo 3,Halo:Reach or,now,Halo 4. With the plenty of things that Halo 4 provides to forgers, like the trait zones and the Promethean Vision, i decided to create this gametype: We are ODST Gameplay video: Halo 4 Gametype - We are ODST - YouTube What's "We are ODST"? This gametype let you play like an ODST: You are slower than a Spartan IV, you have no radar and you health(shield) does not recharge by herself. You start with an Assault Rifle,Magnum,2x frags and the V.I.S.R. (Promethean Vision). What about the map? I created two maps to work with "We are ODST", both of them of the Crimson map pack. One, Harvest City(Harvest), feels like new mombasa(expecially with filters)...the other,Crash Site(Wreckhage), feels like...well,a crash site These maps encourage a stealth gameplay mixed with a "search and destroy" strategies. Equipment Health Packs*: The only way to recover your health is to stand next to these red boxes that act like a medkit, restoring your health in 5 seconds. Computers*: An ODST can use a computer in order to scan an area of 75 meters around him, revealing every enemy inside the radius. Covenant/Promethean Weaponry: While wandering the map, you may find some colored crates: Gold for the Prometheans, Purple for the Covenant. Next to these crates you will find alien weaponry, so keep your eyes open. Suggestions for more objects? Gameplay video avaible soon *Note: Computer and Health Packs are made with a trait zone.
I already like the concept. Very interesting use of trait zones. I like it. Shame I don't have Crimson yet. When I do though I'll be trying this first. One question, are you including the use of drop pods? I loved the concept and people tried it in Reach forge but i never saw a perfected version. They looked lame and didn't always keep you alive and were based on trip mine/fusion coil contraptions. I'm curious to see if it can be done in H4 without screwing up. If you haven't used them, Im not suggesting that you do, I was just curious if you did. I think what you've done is great... Just a shame there's no Suppressed SMG...
I see. Like I said I'm not suggesting it. It could ruin a perfectly good map and I wouldn't want that. I just couldn't help but ask. I can see 'ODST Slayer' becoming a thing. Nice and tactical. (P Vision for VISR is a good idea. Just wondering though, was the actual VISR capable of looking through walls or was it just enhanced night vision? Im thinking perhaps it may ruin the element of surprise if everyone knows where everyone is. Perhaps try making AA's limited to the computers with the radar. Just my opinion mate, you do what you think will work. Peace -TS
I think P Vision is a good idea since you have no radar. I can see it working just as well as radar would. But THIS is an awesome idea. I miss playing ODST and the feel it gave me. A definite DL from me, I might even make a map based around this gametype.
This is really cool. For your health packs did you use trait zones? If so I suggest you put a kill boundary there because people might sit in the area. Really cool still.