Greetings everyone! In the interests of making my own life easier, I put together a spreadsheet of various remakes and customs that have been created in Forge for Halo 4. I then realized that something like this might be useful for you, the community. Here's the link: As you can see, the list is in no way complete! I scoured these forums, MLG forums, and youtube for a lot of the remakes and a few customs, but much of your creativity is missing from the list! At least initially, I have made this spreadsheet public (with edit powers) to anyone and everyone. If this is abused, I will be forced to lock it down and replace it with a backup - I am hoping that won't be necessary. Feel free to add your map, thanks! tl;dr spreadsheet short-list of community forge maps and gameptypes. add yours! don't abuse it! -Tol ps If this turns out to be useful, could we get a sticky?
This actually seems like a great idea. What does the Gametypes(opt.) actually mean though? All gametypes available(Y/N)?
Basically that the gamertag also had gametypes which are meant to be utilized, or could be useful. I'm not sure the column is really worthwhile, or perhaps should be altered to be more clear though.
Useful indeed. Since you're throwing multiple versions up there, make sure you add the remake of Guardian I did.
@silencebroken: Since it's open for anyone to edit, would you mind adding the details, or at least linking them here so I don't have to go searching?
useful spreadsheet. I added Morpheus to the Originals, because it isn't a remake of a Halo map, though it is a remake of a Jedi Knight map...