Ok so I'm making a 1v1 map pack consisting of maps made on each of the forge palates. Retallos will be on ravine, it is currently in testing phase. Spawns and such lol. Metabolism which is on erosion, is in the building process but I'd like ideas for the one on impact.if anyone has any good ideas let me know, you can even suggest the name. Of course if I use your name or ideas I will give you credit as such is due.
Gimme some picssssssss. I want to test the two maps on Ravine/Erosion Landderp. Add me on live. As for the one on Impact. Any preferences as to what style of map you want it to be? Symmetric/Asymm?
name it basketcake, please. As for ideas, you should definately try to present a theme. You know, something that will make it stand out from other maps of the category. Perhaps some kind of space station like Orbital or something from Star Wars. During the latter part of Reach's life, a problem with 1v1s was simply how similar they all looked to one another, hahaha. Although more room for creativity in Halo 4, I feel like were going to reach the same outcome pretty soon. As for the type of map, room based is always a fun experience.
Yea I can't make asymm maps at all. So symm if possible and I added you lol your gt is its fax right? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Lol okie ill keep the name in mind. As for the room experience I think you will love the one I'm doing on metabolism, it's got plenty of that **** lol.
Try a vertical map and see how it goes. I would like to see a big open chamber in the center with one of the traitzones in the center to jump up to the levels
Haha, not quite. itsDaxx You have to keep in mind with this though, there needs to be more ways to travel between the different levels than just the central traitzone lift. You'll need hard routes up and down in addition to the lift. Otherwise it would have extremely one-dimensional gameplay. It's a neat concept, it just needs to be planned out well.
I had put itsDaxx but my iPad thought fax was betters lmao. And it really will need lots of planning for a vertical map.