TURF A Halo 2 Remake Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Turf Classic Without further ado, I present Turf, a Halo 2 classic. I tried to make the most accurate remake of Turf ever seen in Forge, and I'd like to believe that I succeded. What do you guys think? Cliff Wall (Formerly Scarab) Street Corner Med Hut from Street Corner Garage from Street Corner Med Hut Alleyways Action Shots Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Turf Classic
This is certainly one of my most favorite maps of all time in Halo and I'm surprised it's just now being remade. This is great looking btw. Hope to see it submitted to the Forgotten Treasures contest.
There were lots of remakes in reach, only one that I liked however. As for the map, I love the way it's looking, you did a real good job blending the terrain(by the cave) to the rest of the map.
Being one that spent a lot of time on Turf back in the good ol halo 2 days super bouncing out of the map. I can say this remake is spot on. You got everything right. The only things missing are the poles that you beat down to cross on (which it doesn't even matter now with sprint) and the super bounces...oh and the scarab...and the breakable glass...and the swinging doors lol you did the best you could. I will definitely be showing this map to others.
@ Noirtatsu: So basically all I missed was stuff that is limited by forge's functionality, Halo 4's engine constraints, and the impossibility of making covie aesthetics? *fist pump* @ Organite: This is definitely going in the Forgotten Treasures contest. @ Waterfallninja3: Yeah, I could never find one on Reach that I liked that also stayed true to the original map's layout. They always seemed to miss something big, or have huge changes in the structure of the buildings. I wish there were Covenant pieces, though so I COULD build a Scarab... (Side note about another of my maps, I saw the Dynamic Lighting guide (http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142634-guide-dynamic-lighting.html) and I'm using that to fix the issues on my half-done Ghost Town remake that I've been moping about. Hopefully I can get it finished without running into any more issues. Wish I had a few more blocks available, though... I'll probably post a preview for that one soon.)
wow, great work on this map... I never played the original but aesthetically you did an excellent job. I'm sure it plays great too.
The use of braces and covers is pretty well done. I saved some of your images to my desktop so that they show up in a slide show fashion and I can look at them over and over again for inspiration. Not familiar with H2, started with H3 myself, but I am looking forward to seeing more of your map.
Yep lol I played an FFA with three other friends earlier it was great I honestly had no complaints it played just right. BTW I loved being able to manuver that warthog through those small spaces again for no apparent reason LoL
Bro...son...dude...one of the best remakes in this game so far...ALONG with your Cold Storage remake which is absolutely stunning. Nobody else should remake maps except you, nobody else should even TOUCH or go NEAR forge except you. Please, make every previous Halo map in existence and I will bow down to you and pray to the forge gods every night before I go to bed.
Haha wow thanks guys, I've never had this kinda reception for one of my maps before [br][/br]Edited by merge: Btw, if there's anything you find that is wrong or innacurate, or if you feel some of the spawns are bad, basically anything that might be a problem, please let me know. As much as I like how no one's pointed out anything I need to fix yet, it's also troubling, because I can't have gotten it right on the first try. No way. There has to be something that needs to be improved.
I can't find the map. I search your gamertag in File Share Search but nothing comes up. What am I doing wrong?
The File Share system is screwy right now. Try sending a friend request and going to my FS straight form my profile.
I haven't played any Halo CE or Halo 2 maps because I started with Halo 3, which is the reason why you don't see me making any comments on remakes from these games. However, the comments on this map caught my attention. I definitely want to play this due to the love Turf has been getting, and I'm a real fan of pinpoint accuracy when it comes to remakes - I hate half-hashed, similar-looking maps. It seems you've succeeded in making an extremely accurate remake, so kudos to you, sir. You mentioned you were remaking Ghost Town? I'd love to see it. Strangely enough, it was one of my most favourite maps in Halo 3. I'll check out your Cold Storage remake, too.
Thanks for the props, man. I definitely tried to make this as accurate as possible, seeing as Turf never really got a fair shake in Reach's forge (least as far as I found) and I'm glad the community appreciates it I've found that Ghost Town is going to be impossible to make well on Erosion. The major pieces cost too much for the dynamic lighting on that map, and there is no natural geometry to utilize well. I've been thinking about restarting it on Impact, where I could use the small asteroid for most of the floor, and I'd have the station pieces to use as the rest of the floor and the walls. The only thing I need to figure out is a good replacement for the trees (I used the pipes on Erosion for that) and I have a few adjustments to make for it to fit Halo 4's engine. What I have now is a tad too tall... Ghost Town was also one of my favorites Also have an Epitaph remake halfway done.
Hey...this looks like a fantastic recreation! Downloading for sure. Question about the swinging doors... couldn't one replace the swinging doors with the Dominion Base Shields which can be bashed through but then respawn? The aesthetics might become weird seeing an energy force field in the map but wouldn't that play similarly to Halo 2? Maybe I'm wrong haha
I don't think the base shields would be the best choice to replace the swinging doors. On the original, you never had to hit the door twice to walk through it, and using them would only serve to trip people up if they need to make a quick escape in or out of the building. I might test it out, though. I'd be nice if I could figure out some sort of automatic door with a pressure plate... or something. Haha the front page is turning into a Turf war, with one on Ravine, Erosion, and Impact. Who will win? YOU DECIDE!! XD
When I first read that I just thought, LOL, Halo isn't Minecraft! That being said it would be nice if you could have mechanisms in forge. I think it would be cool to be able to make light bridges, mechanical doors, elevators, stuff like that.