So do we have any dedicated 1v1 forgers or is it just me? Personally I need some 1v1 inspiration since that's all I make for the most if there is any 1v1 forgers out there hit me with some ideas.
Many of the Quake maps could be remade and refined to support some good 1v1 maps. Most of them are that size. - Community Forums • View topic - Quake Live Map Overviews
Ok I'll check into those when I get home till then more suggestions people lol. Oh and thanks soulcrusher
check my fileshare, there's a 1v1 map in there ... i tend to make smaller maps as i prefer the detail to scale. my GT is: TexturedSun
I usually look to lvlworld for inspiration when I make 1v1s. I do think aspects of Quake map design have a strong correlation to aspects of Halo map design, but a direct remake of certain default maps would not port well into the game, hahaha. I.E. Longest Yard
Ok goat will do thanks for the tip, also textured sun ill be sure to check it out. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yea I took a peak see and what I see is good ill see what I can find.
I was just about to recommend Dax's maps, too. He makes some really interesting ones, so be sure to look at those for inspiration.
Mememe I've gotten really into 1v1 map designing lately, and given that there aren't too many other 1v1 forgers around here as of yet, I'm always looking for someone to discuss ideas with And auburn's right, lvlworld is a great place to get inspiration, but keep in mind not all quake maps are going to transfer well to Halo given that the games play very differently. Hit me up sometime man. I'm interested to see what you're working on
I most defiantly will I've got one map on the go right now. If you like add my gamer tag: YourSmallShaft. Ill invite you sometime and ill give you a look see. Don't expect much I don't brag to be good at forge lol.
I'm always making 1v1/FFA maps. I recently made a 1v1 map on Ravine and wanted to post pictures of it BUT 343 hates us and is slowly killing our community jk anyway yeah I placed my map in between the ravine and down near the water. Which adds a cool effect. It makes steam come up through the map. You should check it out maybe you could use the effect on one of your maps too. Check out my File Share. The name of the map is Ravariant I also have a few pictures in there too. GT: Noirtatsu
Nice! that sounds like the perfect place to put a decent 1v1 map. I would love to see pictures of it or play it someday .