Is there a way to put down regular weapons and have them appear in game using the Flood gametype? I'm making a Flood map where I want to hide weapons throughout the map, but with ordnance showing the locations of everything it's impossible to make things hidden. So, is there a way to put down regular weapons or hide the waypoints from ordnance drops?
Yes sir. I dont know about flood but Im forging right now and I just press X, Select the type of race weapon, human, forerunner,covenant, then select whatever weapon I need and drop it. Just like in reach and halo 3.
No you didn't understand the question. In game, if you place a weapon like that on a map, and load up a Flood gametype, the weapons will not appear in game on the map. I'm trying to figure out a way to fix that but I don't know of one.
That is strange because that is how I do it and everything loads up fine and the weapons are on the map... so I actually did understand the question. It sounds like a bug to me.
Gametype settings will help you here. Ive had a look and the best you can do is enable initial ordance, meaning rather than just standard weapons you'll have to place ordance drops. Other than that, i dont believe you can place ordanary weapons and have them. 343 really ****ed up infection.
Unfortunately it isn't possible indeed. Card Tricks, I don't know about you but you're either lucky or you're not playing the map on Flood mode, because it can't be done without ordnance. Let's hope 343i will wake up sometime soon and realize they made a mistake.