How does the server decide skill by matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Starship Ghost, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I am wondering what other aspect(s) other than K/D Ratio does the server use to match you with similar skilled players? Lately, I haven't been able to get many kills and usually break even at 0 KD or +5 or -1.... this is a big change from +15 or +20. I also play BTB alone so maybe that is a factor but it wasn't like this the first 2 weeks I played. I can hardly enjoy myself now it is becoming more rare, so I am just wondering how this matchmaking works exactly with details, if anyone knows?
  2. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I don't think it's publicly known how Trueskill works exactly, but most likely it's some combination of your kills, deaths, assists, and is probably weighted by the skill of the opposing team (a close win against evenly-matched teams will boost your trueskill more than a lopsided win against noobs).

    The reason you aren't able to steamroll little kids anymore is because the system actually has enough data to be effective now, and is actually matching you up with similar players.
  3. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    lol @ steamrolling little kids. Yeah I guess you are right. However, I don't feel I am being matched against similar skilled feels like I am being matched against aggressive Pros and I consider myself average or slightly above average. Either that or everyone is good at Halo now. Thanks for the info about TrueSkill...seems logical as the Vulcans say.

    However... I was doing good just as I always did in Halo 3 and I am not. So I don't think the system is being effective. In my experience.
    #3 Starship Ghost, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  4. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I'd argue that a spread of +5 to -1 (average of about +3) is pretty solid for an evenly-matched competitive game.

    It's also possible that your streak of early wins has boosted your trueskill a touch higher than it really should be, and you're being matched with players slightly above your skill level. Somehow I doubt that they're all pros, though.
  5. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    yeah not every single one is a pro but it feels like at least half the opposing team always is. However, a lot of them are in parties when I am not. I don't think I won many matches the first 2 weeks of Halo 4... Don't think I ever won a match that joined in progress. I mostly just try to kill as much as I can and die the least amount of times I can. If we win, we win...if not I don't really care as long as I did good.

    I dunno I am still getting a +15 or so in some matches but others I will see 0 or +1 or -1... whatever. I guess I can't complain playing BTB by myself.
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    quite honestly I'm surprised to see that there is any rumor that skill & rank play into matchmaking at all, because every match (save for a few) seem to be about 50% noobs, 40% average, and 10% pros.

    Everyone runs out in the open and doesn't move when they start being shot. people rarely show any intelligence whatsoever.

    And match after match, even though I am always positive w/ KDR, and usually in the top 2 or 3 in a big team match, I am still matched with the same type of player over and over again.

    Can anyone prove there is actually a scheme at work here at all? Just curious if it's a rumor or fact.

    EDIT: to add... because Halo has been "COD'd" so much and experience points are the only thing that level you up, I don't think the spartan rank has anything to do with skill anyway... just how many matches you've played in total. When finishing a match awards you more points than winning a match or performing above and beyond the.... COD, then the emphasis appears to be on keeping games mixed with lots of different types of players, rather than using rank or skill to match people... I miss Halo 2 & 3's ranking system, personally.
    #6 ExTerrestr1al, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  7. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Skill Matchmaking doesn't have anything to do with the SR Ranks at all, pretty sure about that. SR Ranks just tells how long you played the game...whether that be multiplayer, forge, custom games, spartan ops, or the campaign. Someone can be SR100 and never played a multiplayer match.

    All I know for sure is that it isn't perfect and overall KD Ratio plays a factor. However, you really can't tell by even a KD Ratio how good someone is. I think matchmaking for BTB should be random.
    #7 Starship Ghost, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  8. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    interesting, but so far I have seen nothing that would lead me to come to the same conclusion. i'm not trying to brag, but seriously my KDR just seems to be going up rather than down from being matched with better people...

    I think this true skill rank should be displayed so we can see how we progress.

    I think they are following the COD model too much, though some of it is nice... in COD there is no consideration of who you should be playing with at all, in favor of instantly joining a match in progress or a pending match.
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I would have said the same thing you are saying 2 weeks ago but I am getting matched with another level of skill then previously. what is your KDR? Mine is about a 2.0 and it's been that since launch but I think Mocknizzle has a point about the server collecting enough data after 2 weeks to make a difference. Maybe you just haven't hit the threshold or maybe I just have horrible matchmaking luck. However, today has been a good day surprisingly.
  10. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I know what people say about hitting a threshold of skill. The first week or two I was constantly matched against very unskilled people, and I knew I was too. People would run out into the middle of the map on Ragnarok, or run into the centre of Haven, or just continue walking when getting shot and make no attempt of fighting back whatsoever.

    In this time, my KD shot up to a solid 2.5 and I was like, "Eh?" because in previous Halo games I'd never gone above 1.6. I was wondering if I was now a pro.

    Then I hit the threshold and was losing almost every 1v1 fight (lol). However, I quickly learned and just stuck with my team. Now, my play style has changed since the first two weeks. I now shoot people from afar with my BR and always stick with my team - the risk of people spawning behind you is too great in Halo 4.

    At the moment, my KD is hovering around 2.0, but that's due to playing extremely carefully and never putting myself in a CQC situation. Boltshot's OP.
  11. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I guess I haven't hit it yet. I'm a complete newb at halo and had a ratio of about 1 at the beginning, and now I regurlarly finish matches with ratios of 3 or 4 (my kill count is usually average, but I have few deaths) in another hand, I don't think I ever hit the 1st place, even though I often have the best ratio, so that might prevent me from being put in an upper league maybe?
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I probably don't play enough matches in a period of time to hit that threshold. I spend probably 90% of my time in Halo 4 in forge... so
  13. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    yeah first place might have something to do with it. I have been first place many times especially the first 2 weeks. lately I have been in the top 5 most of the matches. All I really play is BTB and take Forge breaks inbetween. The past few days hasn't been like the previous 2 weeks though. I dont know what happened but now matches are more fun and not as "hardcore" as when I posted this thread. So I don't really know what to make of seems a hit or miss with who I connect to. For awhile there I was only connecting to parties and people above my skill level.
  14. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I mostly play team matches and use the most logic tactic, trying to die less than I kill. otherwise that means you award more points to the enemy team that to your own. of course it can be hard to make more kills than those guys who rush mindlessly and end the game with 25 kills, but 25 deaths as well.
    most players seem to be rather stupid, which makes it easy to kill them even with average skills.
  15. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    seems I was incorrect...the server does use the SR Ranks as an aspect of matchmaking. My SR30 friend doesn't really see many high SR Ranks and when I connect to his lobby and we play ...all I see is SR1 - SR40. When I play by myself I mostly see SR50-SR130. My Rank is SR62
  16. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Perhaps I can shed some light on the situation with a diagram.


    This is a graph of your Trueskill rating over time. It started at zero at the game's release, and quickly climbs as you win lots of easy games. Eventually your skill rating gets so high that you're matched with far better players, at which point you lose and your rating drops back down. Over time it bounces up and down like a spring, slowly getting closer to its steady-state value, which is your actual skill level. Once you hit that point, you're playing evenly-matched players most of the time and your Trueskill rating will fairly accurately track your actual skill level.

    Now, it's important to note that the time it takes to reach a steady-state value can be rather large, in the range of hundreds and hundreds of games. I'm an SR-58 and I've only completed 220 games, so it's likely that neither my Trueskill or yours has really stabilized yet.
  17. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    thanks for the explanation. if that's true though, I think they have it set to take too long to reach that steady state.
  18. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Thanks MockKnizzle...very informative. According to that info I just passed the first "hump" lol.
    #18 Starship Ghost, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  19. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    They don't choose how long it takes... You do.

    When you start the game knows nothing about you starting from there, If your winning to much they put you with better players if your losing to much they put you with worse players If your doing average they keep you around that level.

    Then the graph just shows the natural progression of things.

    There is one major contributing factor missing though imo, You could have the most perfect matchmaking system ever but if there is only a choice of 2 other people to play with say a first time halo player or MLG pro then it doesn't really matter. (Specially since true skill takes time to hit a steady state and Halo 4 is losing players pretty fast)
  20. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I guess there was a glitch on the 14th november.

    and winning means being in the winning team, or scoring the most kills?
    I wonder if deaths are taken into account since you lose no points for them?

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