I know that they have gravitational properties in both halo 3 and reach but was wondering if they continued this feature in Halo 4. I'd love to make a tin cup elevator but don't know where to start. Any direction would be much appreciated.
I'm pretty sure tin cups don't have the same properties as Reach and 3. I remember going in forge, chucking one down, and trying to get a ball in, but it just rolled down the side, right after i finished campaign.
I tried for weeks to create a good elevator that does not wobble and become unstable once the player is standing on it and it is pushed up by a force. I used explosives to t rigger it, and that was the hardest part. But before I got very far into my design, i abandoned the idea of using a piece to serve as the elevator floor. The reality is that trait zones and gravity volumes work much better than any moving elevator ever could. That is the route I have gone and I probably won't look back. That's what I recommend for anyone trying to do elevators
That is too bad. I've been fooling around in forge with tin cups and cannot seem to elicit even a smidgen of magnetism from the tin cup.