Bomb Faciliy SWAT BALL creators: map - vendetta814 game - DIMINISHED814 and vendetta814 map - game - i dont know how new of an idea this is but i think i am the first. me and my close friends seen grifball up on the double xp weekend and were just not fans of that, were more swat people. :-D so we decided we wanted to make something like that but skill based. so here was our idea. 4v4 or 5v5 map that is made specificly for a game we created called swatball. this map is also set up for team slayer which has features such as time map events that change the guns and equiptment on the map to make the gameplay a but more fun. there is bearly any cover for a reason. in many many testings i have found the gameplay is much more fun when you have to fight as a team b/c of the fact that there is no cover. there are 2 man costom made man cannons on each side to make it faster to get over to you team. a costom pawer up is also in the air above each man cannon that its 150% speed for 3 seconds. its very similair to grif ball. same concept but with swat rule and it takes a bit of team skill. TEAM SLAYER MAP ONLY: (this map is meant to be played with swat ball.) - tool - place at start - respawn time - ammo - rocket. yes. never. 1 clip sniper. no. 120 (in place of rocket). 2 clips 2 brute shots. yes. 60. 2 clips 2 neddlers. yes. never. 2 clips 2 sentinel beams. no. 90 (in place of neddler). - 2 brs. yes. 30. 2 clips 2 carbines. yes. 30. 2 clips 2 cover. yes. never. - 2 regen. no. 180 (in place of cover) - 4 frags. yes. 20. - 4 plasma. yes 30.- pics: i dont think i need more pics. its a very simplemap. i hope you like it. try it out b4 you critisize it. feedback would be nice. My other maps: shipwreck (shark map) - more coming soon. ...teaser...
i guess it sounds good. but their is almost no cover. so you may want to fix that. but other then that it looks pretty good. nice job.
i most likly will have a v2 with all the gametypes mostly. if people seem tolike this. thanx. Quote: Originally Posted by caboose i guess it sounds good. but their is almost no cover. so you may want to fix that. but other then that it looks pretty good. nice job. the no cover is for you to have to stick as a team instead of just running out there. i tested it pleanty loads of timesand its just right.
i guess that means you want more shots? of gameplay maybe? ill check into that. inthe meantime dl and try it out for yourself. tell me what you think.
Yes, it's an interesting concept that many people would like to try, but if someone wanted to, they could throw together a map like this in under an hour. I'm not saying it wouldn't be loads of fun to play, it's just that when your catering to a forging community, they'd expect a map they download to have considerable complexity and originality.
so you wanted to make a something like grifball but ended up with team slayer on a relatively open map. How can this rival grifball when there's no objective of the game, just slayer?
the map is built for gameplay not just for looks and style. thanx for the feedback tho Quote: Originally Posted by Chicken Dippah oke ill dl now then =] if you like it go ahead and send me a fr if yo want. we can playthis and other games. i play alot of costoms when im on. maybe check out my shark map. :-D imn my opinion its better then this.
did you read the info on the map? it says specificly for swatball. and also on a side it had teamslay. try reading the post b4 you critisize the map. thanx.
hahaha. thanx for that. that was the old name. Quote: Originally Posted by zTo Norlinsky Yo, BLAZE, please don't double post. Use the "Edit" button to add anything to your post im pretty sure i havent doube posted at all... can you tell me were i did?
Just then, and you've done it twice in this thread, you posted a minute after you already posted, just edit your original. YOU DONT HAVE TO RESPOND TO EVERY POST
Double posting is two consecutive posts by the poster, with no other posts in between. It's considered spamming, and spamming is bad, m'kay?
Yes he double posted twice in the same thread, if that's not infraction material, then what is!? He's a senior Member, been around since march, He should know much better then to double post twice. I think this may qualify as spam as well as double posting. Wait they're the same thing, arent they? I got an infraction for double posting and the posts were about a day apart. He double posted twice in under half an hour.