Well I cant take it anymore but this is what my new thread with al is gong to look like and I figuired I would post it for the refrence of others to use! Have fun! (welcome message goes here) [CENTRAL] BANNER HERE!!![/CENTRAL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop rules *IMPORTANTE*(can come up with your own) ALWAYS use the given formats. The formats allow us to give you the artwork you came for. We will not fulfill your request(s) if the formats given were not used. Please inform us if you want any changes done. NEVER try editing the artworks done in this shop unless given permission by anyone working here. We still have our copyrights on them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sig order format (main): Maker: Specific Size: Background: Render (s): Render Placement (s): Text: Text Placement: Text color: Text font: Special Other Things: Example! Delete this when you paste ti your thread! Credit goes to reaper of bunny Maker:Reaper of Bunny Specific Size:500x100 Background:Red/Black Render (s):Cloud Render Placement (s):Middle Text:Reaper, U drooped ur perpterp Text Placement:right, upper corner Text color:white Text font:Trashco Special Other Things:I want a floating pineapple!!! Sig order format (Spartan Al’s specialty)(example of a secondary sig request form) Main Color: Secondary Color: Sig Light (like light or dark): Name: Quote: Font: Visit Here(link font page here like Da font) Picture (not required but helpful): Medal: Spartan Armor specs: MUST INCLUDE PICTURE! My xbox currently is dead so you need to take a picture of it and I can get it off your bungie.net file! Border: 1. Yes/no, color, thickness (pixels), type: bevel, regular, or rounded edges Special Requests: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My profile(explain yourself!) Name: Gender: Age: Program: Position: Style: Hobbies: Examples: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished Requests: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests in Progress: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests Waiting: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joining form(incase anyone else wants to join and help you with sigs) *please pm thread maker* Name: Program: Gender: Why you want to join: Examples of your art: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoppe Goals(examples) 5 requests 10 requests 15 requests 20 requests 25 requests 30 requests 40 requests 50 requests 60 requests Give a gift Receive a gift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gifts(what other people make for you)
Yeah wah reaper said he is smart, It is a basic format that you can build off of from your sig thread.
Mx you might want to make an example one just to show everyone like: Maker:Reaper of Bunny Specific Size:500x100 Background:Red/Black Render (s):Cloud Render Placement (s):Middle Text:Reaper, U drooped ur perpterp Text Placement:right, upper corner Text color:white Text font:Trashco Special Other Things:I want a floating pineapple!!!