PLEASE comment on Bungie and rate accordingly! Are you ready for an absolutely intense battle of 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3? You better be. Subway is NewbAmoeba's second and greatest map so far. No map yet made keeps you coming back for more like it does this one. Prepare for battle, soldier. [Inspiration:] I once saw a map similar to a subway where an object would fly through and kill you. Now I looked at it and thought, a crate? For a train? So I tried to make my own subway and used a truck instead, with absolutely pleasing results. Then I figured, maybe the map should be centered around it? So I began my improvisation of all the latest techniques I know and this is what blossomed. A simple and sincere map with epic proportions. [Techniques:] -Merging objects with map geometry -The so called "door" method -Interlocking -Save/Quit method [Features:] -A working subway train that will kill you -No way to get out of the map -A geo merged tunnel -A colloseum (toughest part...) -Two bases Now you know this isnt a rubbish map pieced together in a few minutes.. this is definetely worth your download, people. Even though this is my own map, I must say it is the most fun i've had doing 2v2 or 3v3. [Gametype:] Normal Team Slayer. Where's the pictures? Where's the pictures?! Here they are people. [Pictures:] [Map Pictures:] Blue base overview. Not much can be seen.. - Red base overview. Can't really see the base. See it for yourself. - The subway with the truck smashing me. - [Action Pictures:] A duel in the colloseum - A battle in the subway can be risky and or rewarding... - Use the map geometry to your advantage... - An epic battle - Never go alone (1) - Never go alone (2) [we got revenge..] - Bungie Thread Please rate, comment, and download! I appreciate everyone's criticism! Special thanks to: -AspectOfBane -Pwndcube -The Gamer ANGEL
Well done on following the correct posting procedure. I have queued this for download and will post a second reply with my in-depth analysis.
Looks like a cool map except the interlocking and scenary placement looks a little sloppy try to straighten all the edges and what not
this isnt the most beautiful or original maps but it does looks really good, I'll dl and let you know what I think. THe way you went on about it, I was expecting scenery with absolutely no flaws. Looks cool though.
Yeah, it was actually an overnight kind of project. The flaws you see in pictures don't really matter because the gameplay is still very smooth.
That's true but having flawless scenery helps with aesthetics, and gameplay, a little. And did you say this took you 1 night to make?
Yeah, it was kind of an ongoing project.. I just built the main concepts yesterday, then everything else today and then tested /fixed it. All the testing and stuff together only took about 3-4 hours, surprisingly.
Then wtf was the point of posting? Give some kind of feedback, what was your favourite feature, why do you like/or dont like the map? That kind of thing. If you got nothing good to say then dont say anything. Those kind of comments dont help the map maker in anyway.
Lolz, you know the world is screwed when you say "Subway" and the first thing someone thinks about is the restaurant! Not the greatest looking map, but gameplay is great, and being splattered by the guardians is fun, to say the least.
Thank you so much everyone for the positive comments.. I really appreciate it. Now could everybody who downloaded and replied here please try to post on Bungie as well? Pretty please?