I was wondering if there was a way to make a 1 flag capture the flag variant with two teams each trying to get the flag. Hence the flag would be in a central location and each team would have to bring it to their base. I thought i could do this with a neutral flag but it say not compatible when i try and play it. . Is this even possible
Well, Neutral flag is the correct gametype, so you probably just need to figure out which objective items NF needs and make sure they're labeled for the gametype.
You'll need to set your game up for normal CTF first. Set a capture plate in your bases with the label CTF_FLAG_RETURN and assign one to Attackers, and one to Defenders. Then place the central Capture Plate in the neutral location and also set that to CTF_FLAG_RETURN. Keep the team on this one neutral. Once you start the game, the flag will be neutral, and each team will have a return zone to capture the flag at.
I tried this myself, but I couldn't find a way to create a game-type of CTF 1 Flag... how do you accomplish this? Thanks