The interlocking really isn't necessary, but that's only because of the map's overly simple layout. Some more screenshots would really help people see exactly how it's built. From what you have now, I can't be an accurate judge of quality.
There isn't much to show but ok, I will. But I might just wait for the new version, which will be a bit more complex.
I believe it's easier to sit behind a teleporter and spawn killn then opposed to running to each spawn point killing them. They can also get ahead in points then stand on the reciever making the time expire. Also I understand what you're saying about interlocking is not necessary, but it does make the map look a lot cooler. Just some food for thought! =)
Not interlocking those boxes makes your map look sloppy and you will get flamed a lot for that. Good idea wit the teleporters to stop telecamping. Other than that its ok but next time I would interlock those boxes.