Dominion Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ApocalyseTank, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. ApocalyseTank

    ApocalyseTank Promethean

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    Hi I'm trying to build my first dominion map in forge and while testing it I ran into a very odd problem. I built two bases on the opposite sides of the map, like normal, and when the base near the red spawn becomes fortified only one shield at it spawns, one shield in blue side base spawns, and all turrets on map activate. After activating blue spawn base all of the shield appeared including the shields on the center neutral base. Did I mislabel the shields and turrets? Did I forget a label? Any help would be appreciated.

    Turret labels:

    Shield labels:

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    Did you label the bases with different spawn sequences?

    If not, try setting the bases to spawn sequences 1, 2 and 3.

    EDIT: Make sure that the shields and turrets are set to the same spawn sequence as the corresponding base.
    #2 IIIX MATT XIII, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  3. ApocalyseTank

    ApocalyseTank Promethean

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    Well the sequence stopped the turrets from auto spawning, however the shields are still screwy. There are two shields at each base that are suppose to activate in the teams color.

    If I start by fortifying red base it actives one shield in team color, one shield in blue becomes a active neutral shield, and both shields at neutral base activate as neutral shields as well. When blue is captured it turns the neutral shield into team color while fortification does nothing except turns the turrets on. Capturing neutral turns the neutral shields into team color while fortification also does nothing, but this is intended because there are no turrets.

    if i start by fortifying neutral base it activates one shield in team color and activates a neutral shields in blue and red. Capturing blue turns the neutral shield into team color while fortification does nothing except turns the turrets on. Capturing red turns the neutral shield into team color while fortification does nothing except turns the turrets on.

    In both cases the second shield at blue and red do not spawn.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    So say Red Base has a spawn sequence of 1, making it Alpha Base. It should be set so that the team is Neutral, spawn sequence 1, gametype label DOM_BASE. The turrets for this base should all be labelled DOM_TURRET, team Neutral, spawn sequence 1. All of the shields for this base should have the same setting, but the label should be DOM_SHIELD. If you'd like, you can, I believe, label the shields and turrets DOM_FORTIFY. These should be the only labels you try to use though, as I don't think DOM_UPGRADE is actually of any use. Rinse and repeat for each base, making sure that each base is pre-assigned to Neutral team, and that each base has it's own spawn sequence.

    The reason that only one shield is spawning per base is because of the gametype itself. One shield will spawn to begin with, and other shields spawn in later after the base has been active for a while.
  5. ApocalyseTank

    ApocalyseTank Promethean

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    All the bases have been neutral this whole time. Adding the spawn sequence to each base only fixed the turrets. The confusing thing is why are shields spawning in as neutral shields when their base hasn't been captured and changing to the team color when the base is captured.

    Edited by merge:

    After removing the dom_upgrade labels I captured the base near red spawn and now both of the shields spawn on fortification. However it causes both of the blue spawn base shields to spawn in as neutral. On the upside the center bases shield don't spawn until central base is captured.
    #5 ApocalyseTank, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    I'm not sure why that's happening then. There must be something else somewhere in your map interfering with the shields. I can't really give any further advice because I don't know what's wrong with it if you've done all I've said. Sorry.
  7. BlueBamboo

    BlueBamboo Promethean

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    I don't think that is true. I have a finished dominion map and each base has 3 shields, all of which spawn at the same time when the base is fortified. The shields might be acting strange because they or the terminal are not labeled correctly, or they may be placed too close to something else(maybe another shield) which makes it not spawn properly.
  8. ApocalyseTank

    ApocalyseTank Promethean

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    Thanks guys the shields are acting normal.

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