Out of these 6 maps, which would you most like me to remake the most? I'm not too sure which I want to work on remaking the most so I wanted to do a poll and just go with which ever map wins, although I might go with Gephyrophobia because I love big team battle maps and maps with lots of banshees and sniping! It would be extremely ambitious with forge though, so that makes me hesitant to go for it. Turf Halo 2 - Turf - YouTube I'm not too sure which map I would remake this on yet, probably Ravine with a cliff wall to save on some budget, and because I could see the aesthetic theme of Ravine working with Turf. Plus it has good building objects that might be helpful. But I might remake it on Erosion up near the ceiling against a wall too, near a hole in the roof. That would avoid the swamp/infection/whatever creepy aesthetic the map has, but the texture color of the objects would be somewhat different but close to Turf. I doubt I would remake it on Impact though. Damnation/ Penance Halo Combat Evolved Maps: Damnation - YouTube I would remake Damnation/ Penance on Erosion so that I could make the bridges over the water on Erosion, and would try to give the map an abandoned infected lab feeling. There's a small possibility I would do it on Impact and just have the bridges be over empty space, but I doubt it. I think an infected lab aesthetic would be better than a space station aesthetic. Rat Race Halo Multiplayer Maps: Rat Race - YouTube I think I would probably remake this on Impact because the rocks would look nicer than Erosion's, and work better than Ravine's probably. Although, then again, Erosion does have slightly more rocks so it would be a possibility too. As far as the aesthetic look to all the forge maps, I think any of them could remake Rat Race fairly well. Gephyrophobia Truco Halo CE - Gephyrophobia - YouTube This map was exclusive to Halo CE for the pc if you're wondering why you aren't familiar with it. I LOVE this kind of map! Big team battle, sniper rifles, banshees, huge open spaces, teleporters, the only thing missing are tanks! I would keep all 4 banshees on this, and replace the blue light beams with actual structure (they could be walked on anyway, and replacing them with actual structure will increase cover for banshees. In an open map like this, a banshee flying around will constantly be shot at and die quickly, like in Ragnarok. Banshees last much longer on Exile compared to Ragnarok because they have cover in the oval shape on Exile by flying around the map, where on Ragnarok they can only briefly hide behind their own base.) I think I would be forced to make this on Impact for the extra pieces really. This map seems very possible to make but very ambitious at the same time to me. Construct I think I would remake this on Ravine and try to incorporate some of the forerunner structure on the map already if I could think of a way to do that, and of course some of the few (or just one?) forerunner objects. I hope I don't need a link for anyone to see what map this is! Sword Base Halo Reach - Sword Base Walkthrough - YouTube I would remake this on Ravine, and put the waterfall at the narrow end of it. I have thought about remaking a jungle version of Sword Base in Far Cry for a loooooong time, so adding in some rock faces from Ravine would kind of be a Halo 4 jungle/nature touch to add in to Sword Base. It would be drifting a bit from the Reach UNSC aesthetic, but come on, they just had blue sky out the windows basically lol. And Sword Base was supposed to be in the mountains and go deep underground anyway! So a rock face being at one side of the base wouldn't be that unrealistic really if you think about it!
Being that you are undecided with what map to forge I would suggest searching here on forge hub and google to see if those maps have been remade already. I can tell you that I actually have found most of those including a very epic version of construct. I haven't seen a rat race or the geryphobia though, so I would suggest rat race.
I would love Construct. Another member and myself have already beaten Damnation to death, on both Impact AND Erosion, so I wouldn't bother with that one. Sword Base I started, but the strange angles everywhere just led to an annoying attempt that I walked away from.
Yeah I know there are Construct remakes for sure, as popular as it was. And Rat Race was remade quite a bit in Reach so I would guess there is or will be a remake of it soon in 4. I'm not overly concerned if it has already been remade since I can still remake a map in my own way, but I agree it would be more interesting to remake a map that hasn't been remade yet! And I really do like Gephyrophobia a lot, but I also like the other maps too lol. Most of them seem more practical too.
Yeah, remaking Geryphobia would require some major comprises for sure due to its size. I would love to see Construct remade though, that was a good map and would look great with H4's Forge palette.
I havent even heard of gephyrophobia since i use to mod halo ce on pc.... damn good times, that would be very interesting to see so that would be my choice.. Also impact would work well with it i think
Beaten to death definitely sounds like out then to me! I definitely agree with you there! The thing about Construct is that I love the top half of it, but despise the bottom half. I began a Construct-inspired map in Reach, but it was overly ambitious. I tried to angle in all of the walls, with one entire side being a window, so it became extremely difficult to figure out a way to angle the walls in but also keep it impossible to see edges sticking out through the wall that was a window. Basically the map was the top half of construct on the bottom, then repeated again for the second level only there was no walkway going out to the middle. It was just open on the top level, but there was a walkway on the bottom level leading to a falcon instead of a sniper rifle. The idea was to make it practical to mow people down with the falcon guns, but make it practical to jump and sky jack it too, but only risking falling to your death into the water. The map didn't have a floor because both levels were laid out like Construct's upper level. So the middle had a pit area basically, with the walkway to the falcon going out over it into the middle. But I don't know, if I can think of some nice aesthetic idea for a Construct remake in Halo 4 there's a very good chance I'll work on it!
You have a good point here, it always bothered me how all the combat always trickled to the top and the bottom was always vacant for the most part. A re-inspiration might work better than a direct remake for this reason. Also, the overabundance of power weapons on the map should be adjusted; I mean, Sword, Flamethrower, Sniper, and what was up with the Missile Pod and Splaser? Those are meant for vehicle maps, lol.
Well the laser was so accurate in Halo 3 some people could use it at medium range, even on Construct somewhat. I could get kills with it on Construct, but yeah, it was strange those were there really. I think Construct was altered in development from a BTB map with a hornet in the center like I was saying to promote sky jacking to a 4v4 team slayer map when they saw they need another one of those maps. I think it was just being made and they altered its design to fit a different role. So maybe when they put the weapons on it at first they thought their might still be a vehicle like a hornet on it, even though that wouldn't make sense with the final version of the map. I'm intending this map to be an actual remake though, not just an inspiration. Eventually I'll do a map like I'm describing IF 343 will put a more stationary air vehicle in Halo 4 like the Falcon or Hornet. The Banshee has to keep moving so it wouldn't work very well for the type of layout I have in my head. Construct is extremely likely to be the map I'm going to remake to be honest, because while I really want to go for Gephyrophobia, it is just NOT practical for a pure remake. I'm trying to grasp a way to scale it down and keep the same layout, just proportionally smaller, but so far I'm not thinking of how to make that work really.
I voted for Rat Race because I got mixed up and thought it was Rat's Nest for a second. But I would change my vote if possible to Gephyrophobia.
Yeah, Construct seems like a map that doesn't know what type of map it's trying to be. Nonetheless, it's still a pretty good map in its own right. Good luck with your remake.
Well now I know since you mentioned it lol. I did think about Rat's Nest, but to me while it plays good it seems a bit bland for some reason. I guess I don't care for its theme/aesthetics, but of course in forge I would have more control over that lol! I could actually see a remake of Rat's Nest on Impact with only the roof being open to see the space skybox looking very nice! And maybe use some of the asteroid rock ground for some of the floor/ground on the map too if possible. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Construct is interesting because I think it plays a lot of gametypes very well, even different numbers of players. I think 6-12 players works on it just fine, which is a bigger variety than most maps. I guess its the wide hallways up top. And thanks, hopefully it turns out good! I'll probably just do my take on Construct since its such a popular map. Maybe some other people will have some fun with my remake too if I do Construct lol.
Whatever you do, I would advise you reimagine the map rather than remake it.. Halos previous and 4 play differently, and some tweaks to each map could help them play much better with the H4 sandbox and mechanics. Personally? I would like to see a Sword Base done right.
Turf, Gephy, or Rat Race. There are probably tons of remakes for the others by now and Rat Race is the most fun out of the ones listed, IMO.
Yeah, I agree the original Halo 3 Rat's Nest was not aesthetically or visually appealing (I use to not like the map for this reason), but the warthog gameplay really kicked ass on it after I gave it a chance. I am hoping for 343/Ci to remake Sand Trap the most in a future DLC but that is highly doubtful. Would be amazing to have those Mammoths on a Sand Trap remake in some form even if altered and simplified for the engine to handle it.
I agree with you. I think size is the main difference in some maps because I played a little Halo 3 a couple of days ago, and was surprised at how small Guardian for example is. I don't think maps like that would translate over well unless they were scaled up or something. So I'll keep stuff like that in mind. I'm interested in Sword Base too. I would love to do a remake of it on Ravine and add a cliff rock face to one or two of the sides for some reason. I'm not sure why but ever since I played Sword Base in Reach the layout just screamed nature/jungle/forest map at me, basically like the aesthetic theme should have been two cliffs with crevasses and tunnels forming the rooms and hallways, also with huge tree trunks and so on forming some of the walls too, kind of like in the Halo 4 level set in a forest or swamp or whatever its supposed to be before you get to the Infinity. Once I get Far Cry 3 I'm actually going to do a jungle cliff version of Sword Base! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sandtrap was great! I really enjoyed it! I loved getting a mongoose, picking up the laser, and driving to the top of that huge ridge at the edge of the map! It was a certain 5 kills at least for me then lol! I blasted so many warthogs and banshees doing that it was ridiculous. If we had a terrain editor, I would definitely be remaking maps like Sandtrap, Sidewinder, Gephyrophobia, Death Island, Infinity, Danger Canyon, Coagulation, Waterworks, and so on. I love some big huge maps. When I play Halo... I want to get LOST before I get my kills! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Turf honestly seems like its beyond my forging skill. I don't know if I could do a remake that would aesthetically do it justice. It has an insane number of little crevices and details that I didn't remember being there. I put down some objects on Impact just now, and I do think Gephyrophobia is possible, full scale. The only issue with it, is that it won't look that good. It will just look like its a flat stuff sitting randomly in space kind of I think. Rat Race does seem like a very ideal map for a remake. I enjoyed playing it too. Right now I'm leaning towards Gephyrophobia, Construct, Sword Base, or Rat Race. I need to look at Sword Base though to get an idea of how difficult it might be since someone else said they tried to remake it and gave up.
Gephyrophobia would be awesome. Even if you had to scale it down a little bit to make it look a little better. That map was so fun.
dude Gephyrophobia without a doubt, there have already been two damnation remakes, this ones a classic and needs to be done... just seeing this map makes me wanna load up halo pc and pwn some nubs. CTF on this map is a BLAST!!