
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Sunlit fallen, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Sunlit fallen

    Sunlit fallen Promethean

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    I built this map back in halo Reach, but since halo 4 was coming out in two weeks I decided to wait and rebuild there, and here it is! It is designed to support a ghost as the central focus of the map, and I wanted to reflect that in flow of my map, while also allowing movement that wouldn't allow the ghost to force a bottleneck.

    Asterisk is built for 4v4 competitive play.

    It is compatible with:
    CTF (4v4) - Still have to throw in the extra spawns for 5v5
    Slayer/Infinity slayer/Regecide
    King of the Hill

    Sniper Rifle (Top Green) 180 seconds
    Spartan Laser (Top Mid) 180 seconds
    Rail Gun x2 (Bottom Red & Bottom Blue) 120 seconds
    Random drops - 30 seconds

    The ghost spawns Top Yellow, 120 seconds

    This map is UNTESTED, as I only have about three other people who can help me test it. Anyone willing to help me with getting this map tested would be greatly appreciated!

    For downloading from my fileshare, my gamertag is Sunlit Fallen.

    Without further adieu:












    Let me know your thoughts and comments. If you guys can check it out in forge and give me feedback from that, it would be appreciated too.

    Extraction is probably the least suited to this map. I need to test it out some more. Also King of the Hill can potentially use some work, but again, I need to test things out before I can say what works best. For now CTF and Slayer variants are the best bet.

    Thanks for looking!

    Sunlit Fallen
    #1 Sunlit fallen, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  2. Catman87

    Catman87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very cool. It's nice to see people upload some original maps once in a while rather than all the remake garbage going on right now.

    You're right about the hill placements, I don't much care for the ones on the bridges. Also you should label your hills A, B, C, and D by changing the spawn sequence under the advanced tab. 1 being A, 2 being B, and so on.

    It seems rather difficult to get to that spartan laser in the middle, but I don't really see that being a big problem at all.

    Other than that it is a very cool map indeed.
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    At first glance, it looks like you need more dancefloor on the top areas. In addition, the entire bottom floor is flat and wide. Creating more raised areas and height variation might make the map seem less simplistic. This is probably a result of the basic symmetrical layout as well.
  4. Sunlit fallen

    Sunlit fallen Promethean

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    Thank you for the feedback!

    I wasn't thrilled with the hills on the bridges either, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I think they are too open and it is too easy to get from one hill to another.

    I am considering moving them to the upper walkways along the back of each base, on the green/yellow edge. Hopefully this will make it so that you can get there from green/yellow in about the same time as you could from the bottom of the base, while also keeping the same amount of risk/reward.


    I wanted to make the top area to be ever so smaller than what is comfortable, that way people wouldn't stay up there long. But that is just for the top center areas.
    The outer walkways were kind of an after thought in the forging process. I soon found after recreating my map that I had to accommodate for default sprint in a way that I didn't have to in reach.
    So those areas I could extend out some more to give it some dance space as you say.

    As for height variation of the ground, its difficult to alter that because I'm quite close to my light limit.
    I agree with you though about the need for more height. I can try to rework the floor a bit to allow more flexibility (right now the edges of the coliseum walls are at a poor location to allow height variation).

    What are your thoughts on lowering the floor area in the back of the bases, and raising the floors directly in front of the yellow and green platforms?
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Whatever you think will work. I haven't played on the map at all and don't know it as well as you do. Just make sure what works on paper works in practice with testing..
  6. Catman87

    Catman87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My brother and I played this mano a mano and it was quite fun. I'd like to try it out with more people so hit me up if you ever need a play tester for 4v4. Gamertag is my username
  7. lapiscool

    lapiscool Promethean

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    Oo, its so simple, yet so pleasing to the eye. I'll def be giving this a download sir. Well done.
  8. Sunlit fallen

    Sunlit fallen Promethean

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    I did a quick little editing to the map, and I've uploaded a concept version of your floor idea to my fileshare, Asterisk 2.0.
    Check it out and let me know what you think!

    My concerns with that version are that you can't jump from the back of the base (bottom) to the middle section. So I would have to include some sort of jump block to accommodate for that.

    Also, it allows people to jump from bottom green/yellow to top green/yellow. That aspect I am unsure of, it may prove useful or it may hurt the flow, I'll have to test it and see.

    If you could download both versions and give me your thoughts on them it would be appreciated. Thanks!


    Send me a friend request, I can always use more testers!
    I won't be on live much over the next few days, I've got to deal with finals first. But once they are over I hope to get a lot of testing done on Asterisk.


    Thank you!
    I built it on the idea of using 20 degree angles, which let me do some interesting things with overlapping blocks, such as the ramp pieces I used for walls. I'm glad you like it. =)

    If you can get a few games on Asterisk and let me know how it plays, it would be quite helpful!

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