UPDATE: the map is now finished, I made a new thread becuase I decided to change the name. New Thread Link
the center looks a bit rough, but other than that your pictures look pretty nice so far. I definitely like the glass ceiling giving the view out, and if you could give the entire outer side/top that kind of view (using the impact glass pieces and coliseum windows) I think your aesthetic style could look very nice.
You should have rotated it to match the lighting effects present in the original (one side sunny). Other than it looks pretty solid. Good work.
Looks quite nice, I do agree however that the center piece has seen better days, but I am not sure what you could make it out of that would give it a cleaner appearance .
I plan to use the 4 foot monitors (Dominion) as windows on the window side, and those will face into the light. As for the center platform I initially had it as a stretched hexagon but it didn't look as it should of. I'll trial some ideas for it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: What do you think of the new center platform? New screenshots in the first post.
The new center piece looks quite a bit better. Maybe sink in the side pieces a tiny bit so it's not SO huge sticking out and maybe sink the hexagon pieces a tiny bit because they overlap with the block in the middle and it looks a bit odd. I feel that you can come up with a better design overall. Maybe you can use dominion barricades with the "bottom" the flat part facing each other. It's only two pieces (maybe more to get dimensions right.)and the shape is relatively the same. Just an idea, do with it as you please.
The glass middle looks a bit meh. And it could definitely use some darker colors al together. I'd suggest adding some of the black/brown objects to counter the white out.
I tried using the dominion barricades and it just didn't work very well. They looked really bad with excessive visual glitching and did not at all fit with the aesthetic. This center platform looks quite good and is closer to the original. If you look at the original it's quite a hard platform to make. As for sinking them in I can't really because you need to be able to jump from the upper platform on either side to it. Besides, tinkering with the middle is preventing me from getting more of the map done. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well that's annoying. What I had planned to do doesn't work because the roof pieces block out the light because the map isn't high enough. Raising the entire map would be a long and grueling task considering a lot of the pieces are set by precision movement. Unfortunately the windows will exist but the light won't shine though. I can't really do much about it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Do you mean the coliseum window in the ceiling or the central platform?